Marty Kassowitz

Katie Porter Goes Viral Just Reading a Book

Katie Porter Goes Viral Just Reading a Book

In a true less-is-more gesture, Katie Porter registered her disdain for the circus of the Congressional "treason caucus" holding up the Speaker vote for days.
Twitter and the Continuing Resurrection of Naziism

Twitter and the Continuing Resurrection of Naziism

After banning Ye, for his anti-Semitic posting to Twitter, Elon turned around and allowed Andrew Anglin, an unapologetic Nazi criminal who has a warrant out for his arrest in Montana, back onto the platform.
Donald Trump’s 2024 Candidacy—A Reality Check

Donald Trump’s 2024 Candidacy—A Reality Check

To run for President, a candidate must get on the ballot in all 50 states. What do you want to bet that Trump does not get on the ballot for at least half the states in the union?
Recognizing History While It Is Happening

Recognizing History While It Is Happening

Understanding politics and history and how they are inextricably bound together is vital for our society to survive and avoid another onset of oppression, slaughter and slavery.