The far-right members of the lower house may have been running a sort of "professional wrestling" operation by holding up McCarthy's possession of Nancy Pelosi's gavel. And people fell for it with each theatrical body slam.
Marty Kassowitz
In a true less-is-more gesture, Katie Porter registered her disdain for the circus of the Congressional "treason caucus" holding up the Speaker vote for days.
Surely there are six Republicans that can grow a pair and stand up for their oath of office and put the House of Representatives back into operation.
Now that there appears to be a Groundhog-day like process in effect for the House Speakership, we offer up a few suggestions to keep everyone interested.
The utter extremism in the thought processes—if we can call them that—of Republican House members precludes any of the traditional concepts of negotiation and compromise that are the hallmarks of a working government.
There must be something that we as voters can do about the fact that we are being lied to at every turn in political campaigns—and that lying is protected by law. Well, there are a couple of things we can do.
As Southwest Pilot Larry Lonero writes, "...two decades of neglect takes several years to overcome. And, unfortunately to our horror, our house of cards came tumbling down this week as a routine winter storm broke our 1990’s operating system."
George Santos is, at least on the surface, a two-bit con man. But with him in Congress, Republicans will get his easily manipulatable vote.
The full document detailing Donald Trump's betrayal of his oath and his attempted coup has now been released.
The Republican Party's response to Trump's call to overthrow the Constitution has been exactly nada, zip, zero, bupkis. And this silence loudly says one thing and one thing only: they are in agreement.
After banning Ye, for his anti-Semitic posting to Twitter, Elon turned around and allowed Andrew Anglin, an unapologetic Nazi criminal who has a warrant out for his arrest in Montana, back onto the platform.
An odd debit from an account led to finding a company—Albert Genius—that was charging monthly fees for services never agreed to. Read on to make sure you are not also getting ripped off.
To run for President, a candidate must get on the ballot in all 50 states. What do you want to bet that Trump does not get on the ballot for at least half the states in the union?
Elon is riding off on a hobby horse of “absolute” free speech and this is where his vaunted ability as a mathematician comes crashing down.
News media outlets, in their glee of covering Trump yet again, seem to be forgetting the massive volume of evidence amassed against him for causing the January 6th Insurrection.
Understanding politics and history and how they are inextricably bound together is vital for our society to survive and avoid another onset of oppression, slaughter and slavery.