Florida Republicans hate education that they haven't blessed. So, don't be be surprised if, along with DeSantis’ election cops and his Praetorian Guard, the Legislature authorizes an Iranian-style Morality Police.
Florida Phoenix
Increased burdens on voter-registration groups and higher fines are just some of features of a new bill that was sneaked in quietly after 2 a.m. in the morning.
The proposed Florida House bill's author is trying to create a Florida-specific standard for free speech protections. Even private citizens who speak out on social media could be caught up in costly defamation lawsuits.
Ron DeSantis and his rubber-stamp Republican legislature are on a path to pass laws that will protect big companies from lawsuits for operating in bad faith and easier for officials to sue any critics for liable.
Ron DeSantis's is replacing board members of various groups that have opposed his far-right vision for Florida. And now he wants bloggers that write about him to register with the state. First Amendment anyone?
Republicans want to protect our children from ever knowing that Barack Obama was president, that gay people exist, that sex is something fun, and that white Americans ever took anyone’s land, enslaved anyone or invaded countries for no reason.
Five states now have elected or appointed Secretaries of State who have denied that Biden won the 2020 election, and they are in charge of their state's voting systems.
A study conducted by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found a link between dropping permit requirements for carrying concealed weapons and increased police shootings with civilian victims.
Florida presents a stark example of what a fully Republican controlled government will do: Watch out for the interests of corporations over people, and hand them free money to boot.
DeSantis didn’t really try very hard to disguise his racism when he ran for governor in 2018. He’d appeared at white nationalist conferences alongside the likes of David Horowitz and Steve Bannon.
A Florida state senator has filed a lawsuit against Governor Ron DeSantis for his abuse of Florida state funds for his Martha's Vineyard scheme.
Has Rick Scott tanked the GOP's chances in the Midterms? Probably. He's squandering of the majority of their funds, selected ridiculous candidates and published the party's intention to tank Social Security and Medicare.
The judge in the case noted that this was not the first DeSantis initiative blocked on First Amendment grounds, citing as one example the governor’s bid to punish technology and social media companies.