Lucian K. Truscott IV

Why Should We Care About USAID

Why Should We Care About USAID

USAID has been accused by Trump and Musk of being corrupt. Putin is also not a fan. But to people around the world for decades it rendered help and assistance at a very personal level.
Chairman Trump’s Cultural Revolution

Chairman Trump’s Cultural Revolution

Trump isn't following the Mao playbook of using young people and college students to do his dirty work. No, he's got Elon Musk and his battering ram of functionaries—who are unelected and do not hold government jobs—to tear through the government for him.
Trump the Bully: The Rest of the World Gets a Vote

Trump the Bully: The Rest of the World Gets a Vote

Trump hasn’t had much trouble bullying the Congress, firing federal workers, closing DEI offices, and signing executive orders. But deals with other countries have been a little hard to come by.
As Darkness Looms in DC, a Cause for Hope

As Darkness Looms in DC, a Cause for Hope

We are accustomed to listening to Trump make pronouncements as if the words coming out of his mouth are actions. Good luck him and to his minions getting his "promises" actually accomplished.
Pete Hegseth and the Triumph of the Trump Idiocracy

Pete Hegseth and the Triumph of the Trump Idiocracy

Angry at a military establishment he sees as insubordinate to his sense of self as Supreme Ruler Over All, Trump just decided to take a well-coiffed Fox News yapper and blow the whole thing up and see what happens.
‘Twas the Shutdown Before Christmas

‘Twas the Shutdown Before Christmas

There are many ways to view the Grinchy fact that our president-elect and his new owner are aiming to ruin the holidays for hundreds of thousands. But this poetic adaptation is probably the best.