How do we go back to anything resembling normal, knowing how many people we know and love, work and study and live alongside have tripled down on lawlessness and bigotry?
John Pavlovitz
We, the "enemy within," are here as allies of hope and joy and love—and that makes us adversaries to Trump, opposition to his seething disciples, and obstacles to his fever dreams of domination and retribution.
When sexual assault, Hitler aspirations and open treason aren't deal-breakers to Americans anymore we have more than a small problem.
Most Conservative Christians have lived so long in this grotesque perversion of Jesus, that they simply accept that this is how their faith is supposed to look and sound and react.
Trump is not a good human being in any way such things are objectively measured. And good people don't align with this, no matter what story they tell themselves.
Kamala Harris has a living, active spirituality that speaks for itself in its joy for living, its work for justice, and its love for neighbor.
If we fail in November, White Evangelicals will have a political power that will render every election null and void and we will never have a voice again in our lifetimes.
Being a pro-life MAGA voter is to be a living, breathing oxymoron whose actions are antithetical to their words.
More than three-quarters of the time the former President and his Vice Presidential candidate open their mouths in a press conference or an early morning social media post or at a public rally—they are lying.
This is a golden moment for the vast, sprawling army of good people who believe in the beauty of diversity and in a fully accessible America to speak out and vote.
The idea that a former president would weaponize people’s pain for his failing campaign is totally on brand for this rapist-felon-conman-grifter who lies as easily as he breathes.
Many of our immigrants are not white—which is why they will continue to be made into the convenient monsters by white leaders in power, who want to distract from their own grievous malfeasance.
This election offers us two distinct choices: a leader and movement of unity and optimism, seeing the best of who we can be together, or a leader and movement that runs on half of the country silencing, eliminating, or hurting the other half.
Trump's followers know everything we know about him. They have come to understand how predatory and destructive he is—and yet, they cannot bring themselves to take ownership of their errors in judgment.
The response to the cultivated Conservative lie in Springfield, reminds us that too many folks claiming Jesus right now just aren't anywhere near the same page.
Trump supporters don’t care about reality, only about the narrative they need to be true in their heads to justify their allegiance. There is no bridge too far, no crime or offense too sickening to move them from him.