John Pavlovitz

The Religious Right’s Anti-Woman Pro-Life Movement

The Religious Right’s Anti-Woman Pro-Life Movement

The Religious Right needs to face their refusal to honor the sanctity of life beyond the womb and outside of their nationalism, and we need to take back and redefine what it means to truly be pro-life.
The Only Place to Stand in the Israel-Hamas War

The Only Place to Stand in the Israel-Hamas War

The Hamas-Israel violence, present and past, are vast and sprawling horrors that have been metastasizing for thousands of years. How can any of us claim we’re capable of making sense out of it, let alone sum it up in a few words?
White Privilege Dies Hard in Montgomery

White Privilege Dies Hard in Montgomery

The violence in Montgomery was another example of white people of privilege who believe the laws and rules don’t apply to them and resort to violence when asked to be decent human beings.
Hillary Clinton Is Owed an Apology

Hillary Clinton Is Owed an Apology

Republicans, if you care as deeply about this nation as you claim you do, you’ll dismount the dead horse myth of Trump’s patriotism and Hillary’s treason—and you’ll stand on your own two feet.
The Republican War on Everything American

The Republican War on Everything American

If there is a sharp dividing line in America now, this is it. It is the line between joyful people and miserable people; between those who live open-handed toward the world and those whose fists are balled-up tightly.