We need to show up now: in numbers that cannot be manipulated, in a show of strength and resolve that is simply unalterable, in a moment so immune from pollution that it will be undeniable.
John Pavlovitz
Joe Biden didn’t hug a flag or hold a Bible in some pathetic, pandering photo-op. He didn’t stand in front of a church or crassly parade the uniform of a dead firefighter on stage. He simply modeled both his faith and his patriotism.
Donald Trump and his cadre of bullies and thugs are the greatest single threat to democracy in our nation’s history.
Yes, Joe Biden and Donald Trump are both white and both likely older than your grandparents—but I can promise you that the similarities stop there.
MAGAs may be self-identified Christians but from the outside the title is suspect. They aren't "Little Christs" They aren't "followers of the Way." They aren't even Evangelicals. They are merely "Little Trumps."
It's good to rest, but it's not an option to retire. There is simply too much work to do and too few people who give a damn.
We dissent because two-and-a-half centuries from now, this place will be filled with human beings who will be born into whatever remnant of democracy we preserve.
The worst version of a bad day for white Christian men looks like a dream to most everyone else. No one questions their sexual activity. their career qualifications, their ability to work and parent, or their right to live in this country.
Throughout history, marginalized groups fighting for justice have not been asking to be made invisible or tolerated in anonymity by those with power or advantage, but to be fully seen and fully acknowledged without censoring.
Evangelical Christians actually declare that it is precisely Trump's ever-growing trail of personal toxic discharge that supposedly proves evidence of God's hand in it all.
Life isn't a zero-sum game, despite what you've been told or been led to believe by your pastors and politicians. There's actually enough of everything to go around: money, food, healthcare, opportunity, community.
Evangelical Christians invading and harassing a Pride event aren’t rescuers, they’re bullies. They don’t operate out of love they profess but hatred.
Joe Biden will not be damaged by being removed from the White House, but the rest of us will be.
Our democracy is not guaranteed. The sobering truth is that we are perilously close to losing many of the elemental liberties we assumed could never be taken away. The good news is that we are not quite yet there.
Trump's indictments are also indictments of those who voted for him the first time and the second time, staying faithful through his years of incompetence and unthinkable executive overreach.
It's time we stopped giving adult human beings the benefit of the doubt, simply because we think they're not smart enough not to be fooled by religious shysters, fake news peddlers, and political snake oil salesmen.