There are honest and good journalists out there, but most of this media stuff now is just press releases and opinions—all dressed up to draw our attention, break us into camps and fight.
It is all of us who are being singled out and forced to be smaller, to see the world as an us versus them. We may not be the bullseye—for now—on the target, but we are closer to it than we realize.
News Media outlets are, for the most part, about the negative side of what might happen, they have and probably always will feed the fear and angst side of things.
In terms of poker, a bluff is just for ONE HAND and smart players know how to bluff, but they can get caught and lose that hand as well. But one bluff doesn't win the tournament.
When producers, writers, camera and sound people put together a message, it is not news. It is editorial at best but it's usually just a cleverly edited advertisement. You are watching sales personnel.
Focusing on the reasons is what individuals who have committed a crime want you, us, to do. "Look over there!" "I HAD to!" "They did it first!" Motivations, Justifications. Pity party.
The lessons of how we should view and apply the unique document that is our Constitution go back centuries and even appear in the works of the Bard of Avon.
We are being played through curated videos created by professionals and amateurs who want us emotionally reacting to things, not thinking about them or solving them, simply reacting to them.
Soon, Trump's towers will come down and more and more will see him for what he really is, neither a genius nor stable, but just a guy who did a magic trick designed to pick your pocket and set him up as dictator.
Monoclonal antibodies are big money for Regeneron and their shareholders. Anti-vaxxers who are yammering about the dangers of vaccines are helping get people infected and sick. And that sure helps the bottom line for Regeneron. It couldn't be that simple could it?
The "news cycle" runs on and on. It is a machine that society uses in order to "stay informed." We have, many in the society, gone into agreement that this is the way to find things out.
We abdicate responsibility to the degree and react to the actions or inactions of how well the people we elect perform, or how we think they perform, OUR expectations. This is a very simple way of looking at it, maybe too simple...
Don't buy the BS that Trump would have done a better job for the Afghans. Olivia Troye, a former White House national security staffer during the Trump administration, makes it perfectly clear that the opposite is true.