Factkeepers and This Election Year

by | Jan 26, 2024 | Opinions & Commentary

Factkeepers and This Election Year

by | Jan 26, 2024 | Opinions & Commentary

2023 was a hell of a year! You ain't seen nothin' yet!

To all our readers,

Our little site got a hell of a lot bigger in 2023, more so than we could have hoped. Last year was one of unprecedented, for us at least, growth. We more than quintupled the number of page views from the previous year.

We now have over 1600 articles available for visitors. And that became another issue over the last weekend. Basically we outgrew our server. The site was successfully migrated to a new hosting service. Hopefully the process was seamless to viewers and no one got the dreaded “404 Page not found” message.

This is actually the right kind of problem to have with your website!

We have gotten, and continue to receive, wonderful content from some amazing writers, John Pavlovitz, Thom Hartmann, Lucian Truscott, Steve Schmidt, Lawrence Jaffe and others.

We’re planning a new series of articles this year that will be juxtaposing misinformation with corresponding true facts that debunk that misinformation. And since we’re in an election year, that series will probably get large pretty quickly.

On the subject of the coming Primaries and the November 5th, Presidential election, we intend to make Factkeepers an even larger voice in empowering readers to make informed decisions. All of us will be getting inundated with increasing amounts of lies, innuendo and propaganda as we get closer to Nov. 5th. It is part of our mission to debunk as much of that material as possible.

Recently I wrote a piece about our responsibility as voters. I firmly believe that it is our job to uphold, protect and defend our Constitution just as much as it is the job of those we elect to represent us. Staying informed and debunking false information are key elements in that role.

Three years ago when we launched this site. We had 18 page views in that January. Last January we had a bit over 2000. This January so far we have nearly 40,000. This is acceleration. We like it!

Keeping this pace up requires work. Your assistance is welcome. If you see something that doesn’t make sense, write to us. The Contact form works. We have gotten assistance from a few people who have made financial contributions. Huge thanks! Every bit helps. We are not a non-profit. This is simply because there is too much time and expense involved in creating that structure. So, money donated in support of Factkeepers is not tax deductible. But it is a huge help.

All of us, whether we like it or not, are in a fight now to pull off an election that is the most important in our country’s history. If we lose it to Trump and his people and backers, it may well be our last free election. Please stand with Factkeepers and other responsible efforts to see that this never happens.

“Not on our watch,” sounds lofty coming from a private blog. But it isn’t. I’m just a guy publishing from the heart. I could use some backup. No matter what, Factkeepers will be continuing. But the fact is that keeping our Constitution is the job of each and every one of us as individuals and collectively.

All the best,

Marty Kassowitz
Co-Founder, Editor

Marty Kassowitz

Marty Kassowitz

Marty Kassowitz is co-founder of Factkeepers. As founder of Interest Factory and View360, he brings more than 30 years experience in effective online communications, social media management, and platform development to the site. He is a writer, designer, editor and long time observer of the ill-logic demonstrated by too many members of the species known as Mankind. After a long history of somewhat private commentary on a subject he totally hates: politics, Marty was encouraged to build this site and put up his own analyses as well as curate relevant content from other sources.

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