It was and is a dark stain on the history of our country. There is also no question that Trump had direct and enthusiastic support in his—in retrospect utterly inept—plan to become a dictator.
One such supporter was Missouri Senator Josh Hawley, as one of the Senators who objected to the counting of the Electoral College votes being counted which certified Joe Biden’s election. He was also infamously photographed with a raised fist in solidarity with the rioters invading the Capitol.
But now the most indelible image of Josh Hawley is of him sprinting away from the rioters as they invaded the building, in fear for his life. This imagery was part of last night’s hearing presentation. But today Hawley has gone viral on social media in ways he never expected and will probably never live down, replete with a variety of sound tracks.
First the raw video:
Wow Hawley fleeing the Capitol
— Acyn (@Acyn) July 22, 2022
Now a sampling of the creativity found on social media:
Josh Hawley running away to a variety of soundtracks.
Pt. 1: Chariots of Fire #January6thCommitteeHearing
— Mallory Nees (@The_Mal_Gallery) July 22, 2022
Hi Mike! Yours is my favorite #JoshHawley running GIF as it’s Curley from the Three Stooges! Couldn’t be a better comparison. Good job! 👍👏😁
— Kay Gogarty🌻 #BidenHarris2020 (@GogartyKay) July 22, 2022
Run, Hawley, run!
— (@MeidasTouch) July 22, 2022
.@HawleyMO's legacy will forever be fleeing from the same mob he helped incite.
— The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) July 22, 2022
— Just Elizabeth, II 🇺🇦🇺🇸 (@nihil_ad_rem) July 22, 2022
— Imsickofallthisshit (@Kushbae112) July 22, 2022
We are coming, ya'll!!! Keep your eyes peeled for registration information soon. #HawlinHawley
— Missouri Democrats (@MoDemParty) July 22, 2022
These are only a few examples of what is flooding Twitter right now.
There is not really a lot to say about this character other than the fact that as an insurrectionist he is not qualified to hold the office he has—oh and there is that masculinity campaign he’s been harping about.

Marty Kassowitz
Marty Kassowitz is co-founder of Factkeepers. As founder of Interest Factory and View360, he brings more than 30 years experience in effective online communications, social media management, and platform development to the site. He is a writer, designer, editor and long time observer of the ill-logic demonstrated by too many members of the species known as Mankind. After a long history of somewhat private commentary on a subject he totally hates: politics, Marty was encouraged to build this site and put up his own analyses as well as curate relevant content from other sources.