The Far Right: What the Hell Is Wrong With These People? Actually, a Lot!

by | Dec 5, 2023 | Opinions & Commentary

Members of the “alt-right” in Charlottesville, 12 August 2017. Image: Wiki Commons

The Far Right: What the Hell Is Wrong With These People? Actually, a Lot!

by | Dec 5, 2023 | Opinions & Commentary

Members of the “alt-right” in Charlottesville, 12 August 2017. Image: Wiki Commons

When you scrape away the social facade of those on the far right, you will find a terrified little pipsqueak of a soul, shuddering in fear that someone may find him out or rise above him.

The far right of American—and international—politics is a peculiar breed of cat. On the surface, or the facade they show, they are defenders of rights, protectors of children and the poor, advocates of religious freedom and staunchly in favor of law and order.

But scrape away that thin social veneer and what you will find is the opposite side of the coin.

These “defenders” of rights are trying to undermine the very foundation of the rights we have in America: the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. A nearly 1000-page long blueprint developed by the Heritage Foundation lays out what they will do if they manage to get one of their own back in the White House. Not one step of this plan has anything to do with rights, civil or otherwise.

For example, Republicans have been undermining voting rights for decades and continue to do so now with 19 GOP-led states passing various laws resulting in active voter suppression.

The culture wars being waged by Republicans against some imagined invasion of immorality have become almost comical with some of the steadfast warriors of these battles being exposed as having the morality of an alley cat in heat.

A great case in point is that of Christian Ziegler and his wife Bridget. He is the head of the Florida GOP and she is a founder of the fascist group Moms for Liberty—unaffectionately known as the Minivan Taliban. Both are being sued by a third woman—whom they were having three-way sex with—for rape and sexual battery.

Then there’s the account @antifaoperative on and Twitter publishing almost continuous reports of conservatives getting busted for sexual abuse of minors or child porn.

Freedom of religion, to the far right, actually means freedom for Christian Fascists to discriminate against any and all other religious beliefs and practices. Various “Christian” faiths teach that all other religions are false and the work of Satan. This is not actually new. When I was in Sunday School in my youth in a suburb of Denver, this was the message being taught.

As far as poor people are concerned, the far right’s “Ronald Reagan is a god” attitude is, to hell with them. If they can’t pull themselves up by their bootstraps it isn’t our problem and we should not be helping them, period. Of course those bootstraps have long since been sliced away from those boots by the fraud of “trickle down” economics their Republican deity, Lord Ronnie foisted off on America. Part of Reagan’s election pitch was also the racist “welfare queen” trope—the supposedly indigent Black women that refused to work and required welfare. The truth is that the real “welfare queens” were and still are huge corporations collecting billions in subsidies every year.

In short, the far-right faction that has taken over the Republican Party believes it has a right to rule rather than govern with the consent of the governed. Their funding comes mainly from industrialists, oil companies, billionaires and large corporate interests that view only themselves and their shareholders as worthy of care.

The reality is that there is something wrong with a person who can’t see other people as simply people. Their lack of empathy for humanity is profound and disturbing. It is this mentality that sends people to their death through wars, neglect and ultimately for profit. “But that is evil!” you may say. Correct. And evil is hard to confront. But it has to be confronted nevertheless.

When you scrape away the social facade of the hard core of those on the far right, you will find a terrified little pipsqueak of a soul, shuddering in fear that someone may find him out or rise above him. All the while he commits crimes and offenses against his neighbors and then accuses others of those crimes to deflect attention from his actions.

The lesson? There are a few. Perhaps the most important is don’t succumb to the outrage far-right propaganda seeks to generate. People who are outraged, fearful or angry make bad decisions and that is what these folks want.

The other? 2024 is coming and the election is about eleven short months away. Unless we wish to knuckle under to bullies and forfeit the rights that uncountable people before us have fought and died to defend, we need to mobilize. We need to plan not only to vote ourselves and make sure those votes are counted, but we need to aid those who have had barriers erected in their paths to do the same. Our votes are the weapons we yield against those buried in the darkness of their fears. And our votes are also something they fear.

Today we call these folks far right. They have called themselves a lot of things over the years: white supremacists, neo-nazis, the KKK, Proud Boys, Patriot Front—Steve Bannon even tried to rebrand them as the alt-right. But they all mean the same thing: Nazi. They want a new Fuhrer. It is up to every one of us to say, “Not on my watch.”

Marty Kassowitz

Marty Kassowitz

Marty Kassowitz is co-founder of Factkeepers. As founder of Interest Factory and View360, he brings more than 30 years experience in effective online communications, social media management, and platform development to the site. He is a writer, designer, editor and long time observer of the ill-logic demonstrated by too many members of the species known as Mankind. After a long history of somewhat private commentary on a subject he totally hates: politics, Marty was encouraged to build this site and put up his own analyses as well as curate relevant content from other sources.

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