The New Chicago Fire AKA the Democratic National Convention

by | Aug 25, 2024 | Opinions & Commentary

After Kamal Harris’s speech the last night of the DNC. Image: Harris Facebook page

The New Chicago Fire AKA the Democratic National Convention

by | Aug 25, 2024 | Opinions & Commentary

After Kamal Harris’s speech the last night of the DNC. Image: Harris Facebook page

After four days, it was clear as day to any rational person, that Democrats stand up for Democracy. They have taken back "freedom," "patriotism" and the flag back from those who wrapped themselves in those ideals while attacking them.

Republished with permission from D. Earl Stephens

The Democratic Party wrapped up its sky-high and joyous convention late Thursday night, when its nominee for president, Kamala Harris, delivered an all-time speech that was truly worthy of America.

Harris punched down on the traitor, Trump, and stood up for America.

It was a fearless, soaring oration that took a look back only to remind us that everything depends on moving forward. It was a masterpiece, and belongs alongside some of the greatest speeches that have ever been delivered.

Before the convention, I happily prepared for four days of liberal porn—a welcome distraction from the nonstop fray—but what I got instead was a four-part documentary explaining how and why the 2024 Democrats are ready for this historic moment.

And it’s about time the party started leaning into patriotism. Some of you will know I have been writing about this relentlessly: Republicans can’t claim to love this country when they literally attack it, and our fundamental right to vote.

After four days, it was clear as day to any rational person, that Democrats stand up for Democracy and against lawless thugs like Trump and Putin. They stand up for our economy, and against the billionaires who gorge themselves off of it. They stand up for workers’ rights, and against the corporate sharks who attack them. They stand up for women’s rights, and against the bastards who are coming for them. They stand up for joy and happiness, and against the American carnage and hopelessness Republicans have tried to dump all over us.

Damn, I’m proud to be a liberal.

That said, here are some other highlights and observations from that red-hot Chicago fire:

  • On the subject of patriotism … I’ve heard about enough of all this adulation being hoisted upon Republicans who are voting for Harris. Thanks a million, but you aren’t “courageous” if all you are doing is supporting a party that defends America and doesn’t attack it. You are a Democrat, is what you are. And welcome. Glad to have you … When the former Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger said Thursday night that he’s discovered Democrats love their country “as much as Republicans” I almost threw my remote through the television. Look, I’m happy that he and too damn few other Republicans have finally seen the light, but millions of us have been courageously defending this country from Republicans’ onslaught on our Democracy, our votes, and the truth for decades. Again, welcome aboard, folks. Now go knock on some doors with the rest of us.
  • Has Taylor Swift’s plane departed Chicago’s Midway Airport yet? Whoever it was in the DNC who spread the rumor Thursday there would be a surprise appearance by one of the world’s big-timers (Swift and Beyoncé topped the speculation) was a genius. It took the suspense and expectations for the final night through the roof. Thing is, there was NEVER going to be anybody or anything to get in the way of the true superstar of the convention, Kamala Harris. There will be plenty of room for the lesser lights to shine during the next 75 days, and I expect they will …
  • I was never a big fan of Bill Clinton, and we can just leave it right there. Clinton loved the spotlight and never saw a podium he wouldn’t smother, so it was no surprise when his speech went long Wednesday. He did, however, deliver with a loud bang one of the most remarkable facts I’ve ever heard anywhere when he pointed out that since 1989, 50 million jobs have been created under Democrats, while only 1 million have been created by Republicans. I mean … This should end FOREVER this utter bullshit that Republicans are better on the economy. I’m dead serious about this. Anytime one of those special people in your life want to repeat the lie that Republicans are better on the economy, simply lay this 1,000-lb. truth bomb on them. Like Clinton, I fact-checked this one, and it is in fact TRUE.
  • Speaking of the Clintons .. I thought Hillary gave one of the best speeches of the convention—or ever. It is a literal crime that we were robbed of her presidency. Nobody has put up with more crap, persevered, and done more to “put a lot of cracks in the highest, hardest glass ceiling,” in this country than she has. “I want my grandchildren and their grandchildren to know I was here at this moment, that we were here, and that we were with Kamala Harris every step of the way,” Clinton said to a thunderous ovation. “This is our time, America. This is when we stand up. This is when we break through. The future is here. It’s in our grasp. Let’s go win it!” Damn straight. Amen, Hillary. Amen …
  • And if Harris gave the best speech of the convention, I thought another first lady, Michelle Obama, was No. 2. She might be the most gifted speaker I have ever heard. I reckon she’s too smart, and lacks the patience to deal with the crap that comes with running for president, and that’s a damn shame, because she is obviously skilled enough to make a great one. Michelle harnessed an earnestness and intensity seldom seen on any stage, and wasted no time slamming the grotesque Trump with this line: “Who’s going to tell him that the job he’s currently seeking might just be one of those ‘Black jobs’?” Michelle brought so much fire, husband Barack, knew full well he had an impossible act to follow, so he played it cool, and offered up a thoughtful, provocative presentation. The polished, serious Barack Obama was more measured than I expected in sounding the alarms about what is at stake in November, and encouraged people to get activated and talk about this election to anybody who will listen. It was a helluva speech, but this week, the first ladies stole the show.
  • And I love me some Raphael Warnock. By the time the Georgia Senator was done Monday evening, the roof was positively melting. Dude is everything you could want in a public servant, and another reason why the Peach State will go blue again in November. A lot of patriots down there …
  • Stevie Wonder is a still a damn Wonder. I mean, ho-ly-hell what a performance!
  • And speaking of music … I’m a political junkie so I have always enjoyed the Roll Call portion of the proceedings when the states announce their delegates’ support, but there has never been one near as good 2024’s rendition. DJ Cassidy played tracks of the artists that are dear to each state, while many of the stars from these states called out their votes—music from California artists Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Kendrick Lamar; New Jersey’s Bruce Springsteen; Florida’s Tom Petty; Michigan’s Eminem, etc. … It also underlined the point again that the vast majority our greatest artists, including of course, Beyoncé and Swift, are a bunch of hardcore liberals, who have all the damn heart and talent in this country. Sorry, Kid Rock.
  • On Tuesday night, Democrats were simultaneously filling two massive stadiums in the Upper Midwest, as Harris and Tim Walz brought down the house in Milwaukee’s Fiserv Forum, where only a month earlier the RNC held their boring-ass convention and bowed down to their orange dictator. Harris publicly accepted her party’s nomination before a roaring crowd in Milwaukee, following that lively roll call 90 miles to the south. It was a positively electric evening, and no doubt a jolt to Mr. Crowd Size.
  • Ratings for the DNC are in, and were 22 percent higher than the RNC’s. Another jolt to Mr. Ratings.
  • And it is about time the Democrats have recaptured the flag. Our Stars and Stripes never looked better than it did during the convention. If the flag represents us and our American ideals, we need to take it back. We don’t need to capture the thing, smother it, or use it as a political tool. Simply: It just deserves better. For now on, the American flag will represent Democrats. We’ll be glad to share it, just as soon as Republicans start acting like Americans.
  • It is insane how deep the democratic bench is right and how much political talent can be found in literally every state. Time and again when the bios would appear next to these influential politicians like Warnock, it was stunning to see they had only been in the political game for a handful of years. The disastrous 2016 election was a call to action, and time and again we’ve seen that our Democratic candidates are just flat better, smarter people than their Republican adversaries. This is becoming most evident in the race for the President of the United States, where Harris is miles better than Trump in literally every single way. The Democrats got all the talent, and are ready to lead for decades.
  • Everybody should be lucky enough to be loved as much as Tim Walz is by his son, Gus. If you can’t see it that way, you don’t deserve to be loved at all.
  • Speaking of love … There might be people who love this country as much Joe Biden, but nobody has ever loved it more. Biden said his hello and goodbye Monday night, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. This convention’s success was predicated on our 46th president’s acquiescence to cede the enormous power of the most formidable office in the world. “I love the job, but I love my country more,” Biden said. When all is said and done, and our historians are busy regaling us with what and who came before us, Biden will go down as one of America’s greatest patriots ever. We honor his tremendous legacy by working our tails off to elect the woman he endorsed, and put in the position to succeed. Thank you, Joe. Love you, my good man.
D. Earl Stephens

D. Earl Stephens

D. Earl Stephens is the author of “Toxic Tales: A Caustic Collection of Donald J. Trump’s Very Important Letters” and finished up a 30-year career in journalism as the Managing Editor of Stars and Stripes. Follow @EarlofEnough

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