Trump Finally Admits There Was No Election Fraud, Sort Of

by | Dec 5, 2021 | Quick Facts

Photo by Visuals

Trump Finally Admits There Was No Election Fraud, Sort Of

by | Dec 5, 2021 | Quick Facts

Photo by Visuals

It is no secret that there actually were instances of election fraud in 2020. But all the documented instances were committed by Republican voters in favor of Trump.

Yesterday in a statement on his “letterhead,” the former guy finally told the truth about the lack of election fraud in the 2020 race—and he insulted his followers at the same time.

The phrase “delicious irony” comes to mind. Obviously the Orange Menace is not too adept at the use of the English language. But we already knew that. He also apparently can’t be bothered with someone checking his writing for him.

But as everyone comes to know sooner or later in politics, the truth will out. That’s actually a term, “used for saying that people will find out the truth about something, even if you try to keep it a secret.

It is no secret that there actually were instances of election fraud in 2020. But all the documented instances were committed by Republican voters in favor of Trump. The latest was just arrested in Florida, giving rise to the realization that the term Florida Man can be applied across gender boundaries.

An underlying fact about criminals and liars is that deep down, and in Trump’s case very, very deep, they want to be caught and stopped. They will make little stupid mistakes that become the seeds of their undoing. It is fortunately the nature of humanity and, at the risk of starting a debate to the contrary, even Trump is human—way, way down under the layers of madness that make him deny the humanity of others.

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