
Our Constitutional Responsibility: Theory Versus Reality

Our Constitutional Responsibility: Theory Versus Reality

We abdicate responsibility to the degree and react to the actions or inactions of how well the people we elect perform, or how we think they perform, OUR expectations. This is a very simple way of looking at it, maybe too simple...
Big Pharma Greed Is Literally Killing Americans

Big Pharma Greed Is Literally Killing Americans

"How many people need to die, how many people need to get unnecessarily sicker, before Congress is prepared to take on the greed of the prescription drug industry?" asked Sen. Bernie Sanders.
Suzanne Brennan Firstenberg — Confronting Our National Covid Loss Through Art

Suzanne Brennan Firstenberg — Confronting Our National Covid Loss Through Art

Last year, artist Suzanne Brennan Firstenberg created an outdoor installation in Washington comprised of more than 267,000 white flags—one for every person in the United States who had died from COVID-19. This year, she has returned and expanded her work. Now, there are some 650,000 flags placed on the National Mall.
Landslide: Trumpublicans Lose Bigly in the California Recall

Landslide: Trumpublicans Lose Bigly in the California Recall

Yesterday's massive loss by California recall supporters should bring a huge sigh of relief from those who feared the worst. The prospects of Larry Elder being elected governor by a tiny minority of the California electorate were nothing short of grim.
Overcoming Our Differences—With or Without a Heineken

Overcoming Our Differences—With or Without a Heineken

In 2017, Heineken put considerable time and expense into creating a video which while it is a commercial, pointed out the solution that the purveyors of hate seriously dislike: open and direct communication.
For Joe Manchin, Corruption and Greed Are a Family Affair

For Joe Manchin, Corruption and Greed Are a Family Affair

Joe Manchin's opposition to the environmental aspects of the $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill has some connection to the fact that he is heavily invested in coal and a considerable portion of his personal wealth is based on it.
Slavery and the Continuing History of Voter Suppression

Slavery and the Continuing History of Voter Suppression

Voter suppression for African-Americans began when their right to vote a fantasy. When our founding fathers were crafting our Constitution, the issue of voting rights was raised, and Afro-Americans were deemed to be ¾ of a person, which was a step up from slavery…or not.
Propaganda and the Fact-Free Cult

Propaganda and the Fact-Free Cult

After the Civil War, a propaganda campaign was launched against the recently freed African-Americans. They were labeled animals, shiftless, lazy, dumb, poised to take a white man’s job, but perhaps their biggest sin, the biggest lie propagated, was a suppose desire to rape white women. In other words, all lies, no facts.
Why Not Say the Word, “Fascism?”

Why Not Say the Word, “Fascism?”

Since calling out fascism after it succeeds would be like finally agreeing to be vaccinated while they’re hooking you up to a ventilator, ideally more voices will join this candid cadre to make it part of the 2022 election conversation.
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