
Quick Facts: The Myth of the March 4th Re-Inauguration of Trump

Quick Facts: The Myth of the March 4th Re-Inauguration of Trump

Posts circulating several weeks into the start of President Joe Biden’s administration claim that under the Presidential Transition Enhancement Act of 2019, former President Donald Trump “retains control of the military until 60 days after the inauguration of a new President.”
Natural Herd Immunity — What Is it Really?

Natural Herd Immunity — What Is it Really?

The basis of herd immunity is that a person cannot be infected twice by the same virus, so once someone has had the disease it will never happen again. But this assumption has not been proven.
The Fallacy of Blaming “Both Sides”

The Fallacy of Blaming “Both Sides”

People have a natural tendency to seek balance, and most of us would rather stand aside from a conflict than jump into it. One way to do that is to choose not to take sides. Sometimes that’s the right thing to do, sometimes it isn’t.
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