There is a big difference between Alison Janey's portrayal of a brilliant press secretary and Jen Psaki's performance of her job: Jen Psaki's responses were all her own and not the product of a well-written script, hashed out and rehearsed before hand.
Marty Kassowitz
Racism is hardly limited to American life and politics. But the American brand has a sticky persistence that must be closely examined to overcome it.
The removal of the Fairness Doctrine in 1987 opened the flood gates of "hate" broadcasting. The advent of the Internet and the ability to "broadcast" over the net added a mob of crackpots spouting all manner of insanity for profit.
The real target of the noisy Republican propaganda campaigns against Disney, books and librarians to protect "parental rights" isn't parents.
In the past, two Republican governors pulled off publicity stunts for their base, attacking Disney and strangling trade at the Texas border, showing that Republican principles don't really mean much in an election year.
The invasion of Ukraine by Putin shows what happens when one party and then one man gains control of a country. And Republicans want that kind of control here.
The indelible lesson that Trump taught the world is that audacious and unrepentant lies are tools that he and people like him will never fail to use to undermine Democracy.
Republican members of Congress who were involved in the January 6th insurrection are whipping up loads of distractions to divert attention from the question, "Why are they still in office and not in jail?"
Just as non-existent election fraud has been used to pass voter suppression laws, Republicans are using their fear of critical race theory as an excuse to ban the teaching of the history of racial suppression and enslavement.
What if April Fools' day was used to put out the headlines we'd really like to see. Here are a few offerings based on this idea.
The message from Charles Koch is clear. Fascism and authoritarian government are part of the Koch business model.
There are lessons to be learned from the abject failure being demonstrated by Putin's infantile use of force.
Criminals trolling for suckers are still rampant with fraudulent listings in the Facebook Marketplace and have expanded to ads on that appear on the main feed.
It is quite interesting that two widely different artists, Peter Gabriel and Volodymyr Zelenskyy, share a remarkably similar vision toward peace.
The real cause of our current "inflation" can be summed up in one word, "profiteering." Companies are simply raising retail prices because they can, not because they are passing on higher costs to consumers. But there is also another reason for it.
Two recent news articles illustrate the scary similarities between Russian attitudes toward future generations and those of Republican representatives here.