Our polar regions have been warming three times faster than the world as a whole, accelerating polar ice melt, ocean warming and other manifestations of the climate emergency.
Common Dreams
Trump is counting on the Big Lie to divert uninformed voters from the truth. He's betting that the apathy of others will allow his organized minority to prevail.
With only a tiny percentage of the new military spending package is earmarked for Ukraine, weapons profiteers are still being prioritized by Congress over care for the American people themselves.
The legislative agenda proposed by Florida Senator Rick Scott is designed to punish the poorest people in the country, protect the wealth of the richest and set the stage to destroy Social Security, Medicare and Civil Rights laws.
Tax havens in past times were sleepy Caribbean backwaters. But now the US, led by investor-friendly financial secrecy laws in states like South Dakota and Delaware, has emerged as a global center for hiding illicit wealth.
No more roadblocks by Trump can prevent the National Archives from turning over records of his communications prior to the Jan. 6 Insurrection to investigators.
More than 163 journalists from 48 media outlets in 39 countries across the world spent months analyzing bank account information leaked from Credit Suisse, Switzerland’s second-largest lender.
World governments are spending $1.8 trillion annually on corporate welfare to support fossil fuel emissions, deforestation, water pollution and other harms to the planet.
Medicare Privatization is one of the holy grails of Wall Street healthcare investors. The Trump administration tried to sneak in a covert privatization program under the radar. The problem is that it has not been killed yet.
Researchers who examined water samples from over 1,000 locations warn that "pharmaceutical pollution poses a global threat to environmental and human health."
Following a 16-year bet Republicans laid down in 2006 to block Postal EVs, DeJoy just told Biden to go screw himself: he’s going to buy fossil-fuel vehicles for 90% of the fleet instead of electric.
Once again the pharma industry has proven that it regulates Congress, not the other way around. How long will America allow rampant drug price gouging?
Amazon saved a ton of money on taxes in 2021 using perfectly legal—thanks to Congressionally provided loopholes—maneuvers to bring their tab down from $7.3 billion which would be the statutory rate.
On average, COVID is killing an estimated 2,600 people every day in the U.S., a staggering figure that experts fear is becoming “normalized” among the country’s political establishment and population.
Donors like billionaire investor Ken Langone are "always there to reach across the aisle to make sure to support politicians who take from the poor and give to the rich."
There is something profoundly wrong in America when pharma companies can raise the price of generic drugs by 500 percent or more.