The Conversation

California’s Ambitious New Climate Plan

California’s Ambitious New Climate Plan

California's climate plan calls for a 94% reduction in petroleum use between 2022 and 2045 and an 86% reduction in total fossil fuel use. Overall, it would cut greenhouse gas emissions by 85% by 2045.
Quick Facts: What Does the Speaker of the House Do?

Quick Facts: What Does the Speaker of the House Do?

The Speaker of the House is the most visible and authoritative spokesperson for the majority party in the House. Speakers articulate an agenda and explain legislative action to other Washington officials as well as the public.
A Teddy Roosevelt History Lesson for the GOP and Trump

A Teddy Roosevelt History Lesson for the GOP and Trump

Teddy Roosevelt wanted the limelight that went with the presidency again and announced that he would run against the incumbent president of his own party, a longtime close friend and colleague whose nomination he had engineered four years earlier.