Human Rights & Justice

War and the Contagion of Evil

War and the Contagion of Evil

The enduring questions of war are, "How does a normal person decide to become a random killer of civilians? What has seized his normal social human intellect to become a callous murderer?"
Remembrance of a Giant: Desmond Tutu, 1931 – 2021

Remembrance of a Giant: Desmond Tutu, 1931 – 2021

Desmond Tutu didn’t just get us to march against something. He got us to march for something, for a better day, for a better world. Tutu “said no” to injustice, and—the critical difference—he “said yes” to goodness.
The Travesty of the Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict

The Travesty of the Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict

The [Kyle Rittenhouse] verdict, said the Huber family, sends the "unacceptable message" that armed vigilantes can "use the danger they have created to justify shooting people in the street."