Maybe It Is Time For Russia to Fire Putin

by | Mar 2, 2022 | Quick Facts, Human Rights & Justice

Destroyed military in the streets of Bucza. Photo: FB Euromaidan

Maybe It Is Time For Russia to Fire Putin

by | Mar 2, 2022 | Quick Facts, Human Rights & Justice

Destroyed military in the streets of Bucza. Photo: FB Euromaidan

It is extraordinary that in the matter of a week, Putin has killed many Ukrainian citizens, countless Russian soldiers and his own country’s economy.

The only truths about war are that things get blown up, people are slaughtered and lies are told. Such is the case with Putin’s war against Ukraine.

Below is a small gallery of images posted from various accounts on Twitter. Information is getting out. And it is information that puts the lie to all of Putin’s propaganda statements about his war. Above we see the remains of a Russian military column, an image Putin hopes is not seen by the Russian people.

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Various Twitter accounts are also getting videos out. Below are two notable ones:

There are a lot of facts we can and should be talking about, facts about enhancing life and efforts toward good in the world. But the facts of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, under the orders of wannabe Czar Putin, are overriding other issues as it enters its seventh day.

It is extraordinary that in the matter of a week, Putin has killed many Ukrainian citizens, countless Russian soldiers and his own country’s economy.

Maybe it is time the Russian people decided to make a change in leadership.

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