Remember when VP Kamala Harris bought some cookware in Paris? FOX tried to turn that into a scandal for propaganda purposes. Read how they do that.
Quick Facts
Rules exist stating that judges must not only avoid actual conflicts of interest, they must also avoid the appearance of impropriety. But not so for the Supreme Court.
An unprecedented trove of leaked IRS data shows who reported the most income in America from 2013 to 2018, as well as their tax rates, revealing that the very richest pay lower rates than the merely rich.
Former U.S. officials appearing as pundits on corporate media news programs have ties to military-industrial companies or groups and are representing their interests without full disclosure.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit has revived the constitutional challenge to Cawthorn’s right to run for reelection because of his support for insurrectionists who attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
Lawsuits argue that Representatives Paul Gosar and Andy Biggs, as well as State Representative Mark Finchem, are not qualified for the ballot based on their involvement in and support of the January 6th insurrection.
The world should listen when Putin starts trash talking propaganda campaigns about other countries. Similar disinformation operations were run against Georgia before Russia’s invasion of that country in 2008.
A historian explores three myths about the Supreme Course: court packing, judicial review and meeting the expectations of the appointing presidents. They are not what you thought they were.
Another new analysis details how Big Oil executives are suppressing production and boosting prices to maximize shareholder returns.
Republicans who voted against protecting diabetics from inflated insulin prices are clearly in the camp of corporate profits over human lives. This dramatically points to the dire necessity of finally instituting universal healthcare.
Just as non-existent election fraud has been used to pass voter suppression laws, Republicans are using their fear of critical race theory as an excuse to ban the teaching of the history of racial suppression and enslavement.
Facebook has given a free pass to identity theft criminals operating in one of their Facebook groups.
Ironically the majority of actual voter fraud cases have been found in Florida and were committed by Republican voters.
While traveling in Wyoming in 2020, Sean Deines got very ill and was diagnosed with an aggressive leukemia. An air ambulance transferred him to a hospital in North Carolina ― and generated a bill that was nearly $500,000.
From the "not much of a surprise" department, Trump has a 7.5-hour gap in his phone logs from January 6th.
Oil company investor presentations reveal a stark contrast between industry rhetoric about gas prices and reality on oil and gas production.