Facebook's AI system removed posts from an independent news website and sent notifications to users that falsely identified that site and others as cybersecurity risks.
Quick Facts
Earthquakes are actually pretty common in the Northeast, but they’re usually so small that few people feel them. The vast majority are magnitude 2.5 or less.
Research shows that government workers are not self-serving "deep state" elites but rather dedicated and committed public servants.
Military contractors like General Dynamics, Vigor Industrial, Anduril Industries, and others are currently developing unmanned tanks, submarines, and drones.
Even with the lessons from 2020, election administrators find themselves in unknown territory this time around.
Public understanding of propaganda usually links it to lying, but that’s not quite correct. The most effective propaganda will interlace carefully selected verifiable facts with emotional appeals.
Product testing job scammers are doing so well that they can now afford to run their scams through direct mail campaigns.
Former Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is challenging Republican Sen. Rick Scott in 2024 and hoping to stem Republicans’ inroads with Latinx voters in the Sunshine State.
Analysis of "street literature," the Social Media of the day, reveals anti-vaccination themes very similar to those of today: doubts about their effectiveness, what they’re made of and their safety, etc.
The Biden administration is working to undo contracting policy holdovers from the the Reagan administration in order to boost public investment benefits for workers and their communities.
Trump hates mail-in ballots and the GOP has echoed him, until now. The RNC has changed its tune and is pushing a "bank your vote" early voting mail-in campaign for the 2024 election.
The Four Seasons Landscaping anniversary, banned book patrol by Moms For Liberty (AKA the Minivan Taliban, and a Texas candidate arrested for child porn. You can't make this sh*t up!
Even in cases where Democrats and Republicans agreed that headlines were inaccurate, Democrats were twice as likely as Republicans to want to remove the content, while Republicans were twice as likely to call removal censorship.
Hitler wrote that emotional antisemitism, expressed in episodic violence, would not have lasting effect. In contrast, he wrote, the “antisemitism of reason” would work through law to achieve an enduring solution to the “Jewish problem.”
Might Oppenheimer's idea of a world republic have provided humanity with the tools to get a grip on perils like the climate emergency, runaway artificial intelligence, and new weapons of mass extermination?
Although major social media platforms have community guidelines prohibiting incitement to violence and sharing of graphic content, those prohibitions are difficult to enforce.