Marty Kassowitz

Fiona Hill, a Fact Hero of the Trump Era

Fiona Hill, a Fact Hero of the Trump Era

Fiona Hill testified at the first impeachment hearing of the former President. Her opening statement was stunning, blowing up the fiction that Trump and Russia were pushing that the Ukraine had somehow interfered with the 2016 election.
The Facebook Dilemma

The Facebook Dilemma

To quote Dennis Miller, "I don't want to go off on a rant here." No, really, I don't. I could go on for a long time on the negative factors of Facebook and the damage this company has done. Truly, they have a lot to answer for. But there is more to this.
Have White Supremacists Morphed into a Fifth Column?

Have White Supremacists Morphed into a Fifth Column?

The fear of a "fifth column" within the United States after Pearl Harbor led to the internment of Japanese Americans, another dark racist stain on our modern history. This same fear was again used by the House Un-American Activities Committee in the McCarthy era, when fear of Communism was the order of the day.
Suzanne Brennan Firstenberg — Confronting Our National Covid Loss Through Art

Suzanne Brennan Firstenberg — Confronting Our National Covid Loss Through Art

Last year, artist Suzanne Brennan Firstenberg created an outdoor installation in Washington comprised of more than 267,000 white flags—one for every person in the United States who had died from COVID-19. This year, she has returned and expanded her work. Now, there are some 650,000 flags placed on the National Mall.