New research suggests disease-causing parasites can hitch a ride on microplastics and potentially spread throughout the seas.
The Conversation
Fewer people are wearing masks today in spite of the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic is still going. April 22nd alone saw over 55,000 new infections in the U.S. And nearly 700,000 globally.
This Sunday Marine Le Pen will again try to win the presidency of France and perform the same service to Russia as Donald Trump did during his tenure in the U.S.
Rules exist stating that judges must not only avoid actual conflicts of interest, they must also avoid the appearance of impropriety. But not so for the Supreme Court.
Jackie Robinson was a member of and an active campaigner for the Republican Party. But by 1968 he was done with the GOP, and became more active in the civil rights movement.
The thawing and melting of the permafrost—which is estimated to hold twice as much carbon as is in the atmosphere today—is the worst of news for our climate and future.
Many people dread the time change to and from daylight savings that occurs twice a year—and for good reason.
The world should listen when Putin starts trash talking propaganda campaigns about other countries. Similar disinformation operations were run against Georgia before Russia’s invasion of that country in 2008.
Putin’s Russia fits the bill of a fully fascist state. The political system is unquestionably authoritarian — some might say totalitarian.
Russian stocks on the U.K. market have fallen by 98 per cent, wiping out US$572 billion of wealth, while the Russian stock exchange remains suspended. The Russian currency has fallen to 155 rubles per dollar, less than a penny.
Mild-mannered motorcyclist Guy Stewart Callendar connected carbon dioxide concentrations with rising temperatures and triggered a huge debate over the human role in climate change—in 1938.
Who are Putin's oligarchs, and what is their relationship with him? And more importantly, will eroding their wealth do anything to end the war in Ukraine?
The impacts of climate change and a warming future will compromise the achievement of societal goals like ending poverty and malnutrition, in the United States and abroad.
There is a good reason for Putin’s selective telling of the past exaggerating the legacy of Nazism in Ukraine: he fears democracy more than he fears Nazism.
With nearly 4 in 10 U.S. residents living and working near a coastline, the magnitude of the problem of rising sea levels is easy to see. Now add in every other country with a coastline.
The Solar Canal Project is an innovative idea that puts solar panels over the top of irrigation canals—a win-win concept that couples energy generation with a reduction in evaporation of precious water resources.