
Examining the Futility of Book Banning

Examining the Futility of Book Banning

Book banning is an illiberal idea that undermines a long and honorable tradition of making knowledge and ideas widely available, making people free to choose what to read for themselves.
Hurricane Ian and Questions of Risk and Resilience

Hurricane Ian and Questions of Risk and Resilience

One western Florida community celebrated the success of a program to restore what Hurricane Michael took from it, others braced for Hurricane Ian, a storm projected to be among the most damaging to ever strike the state.
“Rock the Vote” Must Now Become “Trust the Vote”

“Rock the Vote” Must Now Become “Trust the Vote”

In 1990, a quirky campaign run by the then-upstart music channel MTV encouraged its viewers to Rock the Vote. Now, three decades later, we need a similarly audacious bid to have Americans trust the validity of the vote.
A European Take on Gun Violence in America

A European Take on Gun Violence in America

Our mass shootings confuse and dismay international observers. A journalist and scholar explains why Europeans cannot understand our inability to control gun violence and how that makes them uncomfortable with America today.