Fact Heroes

Remembrance of a Giant: Desmond Tutu, 1931 – 2021

Remembrance of a Giant: Desmond Tutu, 1931 – 2021

Desmond Tutu didn’t just get us to march against something. He got us to march for something, for a better day, for a better world. Tutu “said no” to injustice, and—the critical difference—he “said yes” to goodness.
Fiona Hill, a Fact Hero of the Trump Era

Fiona Hill, a Fact Hero of the Trump Era

Fiona Hill testified at the first impeachment hearing of the former President. Her opening statement was stunning, blowing up the fiction that Trump and Russia were pushing that the Ukraine had somehow interfered with the 2016 election.
Suzanne Brennan Firstenberg — Confronting Our National Covid Loss Through Art

Suzanne Brennan Firstenberg — Confronting Our National Covid Loss Through Art

Last year, artist Suzanne Brennan Firstenberg created an outdoor installation in Washington comprised of more than 267,000 white flags—one for every person in the United States who had died from COVID-19. This year, she has returned and expanded her work. Now, there are some 650,000 flags placed on the National Mall.
Overcoming Our Differences—With or Without a Heineken

Overcoming Our Differences—With or Without a Heineken

In 2017, Heineken put considerable time and expense into creating a video which while it is a commercial, pointed out the solution that the purveyors of hate seriously dislike: open and direct communication.
Congressional Democrats Need to Take Lesson from Texas

Congressional Democrats Need to Take Lesson from Texas

As Texas state Democratic lawmakers on Monday undertook a daring effort to deny their Republican colleagues the quorum needed to ram through a sweeping voter suppression package, progressive advocates and observers implored congressional Democrats to act boldly to protect U.S. democracy from the GOP onslaught.
Darnella Frazier Receives Pulitzer Special Citation

Darnella Frazier Receives Pulitzer Special Citation

Darnella Frazier, the Minnesota teen whose cellphone video recording of Derek Chauvin kneeling on George Floyd's neck last May was key piece of prosecution evidence in the trial the ended with the former Minneapolis police officer's murder conviction, received an honorary Pulitzer Prize on Friday.
Fact Hero: Benjamin Ferencz — Former Prosecutor of the Nuremberg Trials

Fact Hero: Benjamin Ferencz — Former Prosecutor of the Nuremberg Trials

Benjamin Ferencz became Chief Prosecutor for the United States in The Einsatzgruppen Case, which the Associated Press called “the biggest murder trial in history.” Twenty-two defendants were charged with murdering over a million people. He was only twenty-seven years old. It was his first case.