Project 2025 is a dark stain on the horizon of any future in America. It goes far beyond the ideas of merely protecting the interests of big business and billionaires and moves straight into the realm of fascism.
It appears that fascists and corporate thieves are no longer content with the magnitude of the thefts they have been able to pull off so far. They want the whole shooting match.
Let’s face it. The United States are probably over. Oh, sure, it will continue as a country, but it won’t be anything like it’s supposed to be. It will be Rome near the end, as the barbarians were massing on the borders.
We dissent because two-and-a-half centuries from now, this place will be filled with human beings who will be born into whatever remnant of democracy we preserve.
By altering the very foundation of our Constitution in favor of a convicted criminal, racist and rapist, the majority of the Court has betrayed their oath.
If Trump is elected, the six Supreme Court Republicans just gave him near-Putin-like powers to end our democratic republican form of government, as Justice Gorsuch said, “for the ages.”
The Supreme Court just made the entirety of Project 2025 completely doable. If Trump is elected to office this November, January 21st, 2025 it will mark the end of our Democracy.
The history lesson that Trump's backers and enablers have refused to learn is that Nazism and Fascism do not work and lead to the utter destruction of their practitioners. We can help teach them that this November.
If you want to see what Republicans have in mind for the rest of America if Trump or another Republican becomes president and they can hold onto Congress, just visit the Old South.
Republicans and Trump keep referring to a post-constitutional era where the middle class, civil rights and even the rights of women to vote would rolled back.
The irredeemably petty DeSantis is scared—scared of scholars, artists, and educators. When authoritarians get scared, they lash out—in this case, the effect is a bit like a cornered and angry chihuahua.
The worst version of a bad day for white Christian men looks like a dream to most everyone else. No one questions their sexual activity. their career qualifications, their ability to work and parent, or their right to live in this country.
The new GOP motto might as well be, “We don’t need no stinkin’ issues; we just want power and revenge for the heroes of the Old South and the New Insurrection.”
Trump and the GOP are pushing brazen lies like people were better off four years ago—when thousands a day were dying from Covid, the economy was tanking, millions had lost their jobs, and people sat in 5-mile-long lines for food banks.
Authoritarianism has become weirdly attractive to some voters in America and across the Atlantic. Maybe they think it’s the best way to stop the world from changing.
Evangelical Christians actually declare that it is precisely Trump's ever-growing trail of personal toxic discharge that supposedly proves evidence of God's hand in it all.