Quick Facts

Dissecting Propagandist Dinesh D’Souza’s Lie About COP26 on Twitter

Dissecting Propagandist Dinesh D’Souza’s Lie About COP26 on Twitter

Dinesh D'Souza's target readers appear not too worried about verifying facts, though they should be because his work is intended to manipulate them. His post is a clear attempt to paint attendees of COP26 Conference in a bad light and make them out to be disingenuous in their work.
Anti-Vaxxers Are Making Big Money for Big Pharma

Anti-Vaxxers Are Making Big Money for Big Pharma

Monoclonal antibodies are big money for Regeneron and their shareholders. Anti-vaxxers who are yammering about the dangers of vaccines are helping get people infected and sick. And that sure helps the bottom line for Regeneron. It couldn't be that simple could it?
Ivermectin Is a Brilliant Drug — Just Not for Covid-19

Ivermectin Is a Brilliant Drug — Just Not for Covid-19

Many organizations with dubious intentions have continued to promote unsubstantiated use of ivermectin for COVID-19. This has led to a dramatic rise in ivermectin prescriptions and a flood of calls to U.S. poison control centers for ivermectin overdoses.
Trump Threatens to Have Republican Voters Stay Home

Trump Threatens to Have Republican Voters Stay Home

Trump already helped get two Democratic Senators from Georgia elected because his cries of "election fraud" were taken by his supporters to mean that their votes would not count. Now he's threatening to keep all his supporters home for the next elections.
Propaganda and the Fact-Free Cult

Propaganda and the Fact-Free Cult

After the Civil War, a propaganda campaign was launched against the recently freed African-Americans. They were labeled animals, shiftless, lazy, dumb, poised to take a white man’s job, but perhaps their biggest sin, the biggest lie propagated, was a suppose desire to rape white women. In other words, all lies, no facts.
Vaccinated and Living Responsibly in a Covid Hotspot

Vaccinated and Living Responsibly in a Covid Hotspot

My wife and I have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19 for many months now. Since two weeks after that out last shot we have felt quite safe, even though as a moderately elderly asthmatic I am the apparent target market for the Covid-19 virus.