A media and disinformation expert explains the danger of political violence orchestrated over social media, especially by a sitting president.
The Conversation
In spite of Trump's Hail Mary pass of claiming Constitutional immunity, the idea is not on firm legal ground. And then there's the fact that he's really claiming to be above the law...
Analysis of "street literature," the Social Media of the day, reveals anti-vaccination themes very similar to those of today: doubts about their effectiveness, what they’re made of and their safety, etc.
The KKK is most infamous for violently terrorizing African Americans. But in the 1920s its hatred also had other targets, especially outside the South.
The idea that Swifties might be a key demographic in future elections is not far-fetched given their location and age. A majority of Swift’s fans live in the suburbs, the swing territory of American politics.
This confluence of powerful right-wing voices and conservative entertainment can engage the Republican electorate in new ways. Liberals would do well not to dismiss effects before the 2024 election.
George Santos has once again proven that just because someone speaks confidently, dresses well and acts friendly does not mean the person is honest.
This ruling is part of a systemic attack against voting rights in the U.S. at an especially precarious time for American democracy’s health.
Air pollution from coal is much more harmful than previously thought. And siting power plants upwind of major population centers only made matters worse.
George Santos is not only a colossal liar, he's also really bad at it. Oddly enough, it is that fact that that may finally rebound on him the most.
Recent state elections point in one clear direction. Abortion rights increasingly matter to voters. And most voters do not want laws severely restricting abortion and other kinds of reproductive health care.
The voting public hates the brinkmanship practiced by Congress. So why does Congress run right up to the edge of the cliff—and sometimes beyond it—for every funding resolution?
Even in cases where Democrats and Republicans agreed that headlines were inaccurate, Democrats were twice as likely as Republicans to want to remove the content, while Republicans were twice as likely to call removal censorship.
Hitler wrote that emotional antisemitism, expressed in episodic violence, would not have lasting effect. In contrast, he wrote, the “antisemitism of reason” would work through law to achieve an enduring solution to the “Jewish problem.”
In addition pay increases, the agreement will convert many temporary workers to full-time status, higher pay for temps, the right to go on strike over plant closures, and increases in retirement plans.
Although major social media platforms have community guidelines prohibiting incitement to violence and sharing of graphic content, those prohibitions are difficult to enforce.