Wars never go as planned. Putin's decision to go to war in Ukraine has backfired so severely that the Russian economy has nearly collapsed in a matter of one week. Not quite what he had in mind.
Marty Kassowitz
It is extraordinary that in the matter of a week, Putin has killed many Ukrainian citizens, countless Russian soldiers and his own country’s economy.
Russians have a history of actually preventing nuclear war. Will they now prevent Putin from using a nuclear option?
Putin is showing the world, again, that authoritarianism is itself a failed method of government. It fails when confronted with the defiance of the most powerful force in government everywhere, the consent or refusal of the governed.
The enduring questions of war are, "How does a normal person decide to become a random killer of civilians? What has seized his normal social human intellect to become a callous murderer?"
Like the Czars of the past who miscalculated how much idiocy and bloodshed the peasants and serfs would tolerate before they revolted, Putin's social calculus is deeply flawed.
Don’t for a minute believe any notion that Ukraine will be a pushover for Putin. Soon he will have to answer to the parents and loved ones of Russian soldiers who have died for him but not for Russia.
Prices are going up everywhere. Corporations say it is "inflation" and want smaller government and lower taxes as "solutions." The reality is very different.
Shallow reporting is something that Trump and his enablers have relied upon since 2015. It not only enables astroturfing of outrageous claims and false flag black propaganda operations, it amplifies them.
The Trump accountants have not only fired him, but invalidated 10 years of his financials. Legal analysts also conclude that Mazars is fully cooperating with the New York AG in her investigation into the Trump Company.
Wind energy generation has one particular advantage: wind blows at night. So a Wind Turbine Wall concept can be even less battery dependent in the dark hours than solar.
The frothing and foaming of accusation and misdirection coming from the insurrectionists who have not been charged yet, is really just their impatience of not being charged yet wriggling out of their control.
James Comey is just another person seeking to profit from his time with Trump and using Trump's own playbook to do it.
The staggering sums being paid by Americans for healthcare are so far out of whack from literally all other modern countries as to be laughable—or would be if they wasn’t so sick.
We must now conclude that the Republican National Committee now considers violence, the destruction of public and government property, rioting, the smearing of excrement in the Capitol and manslaughter as "legitimate political discourse."
Medicare For All exists in America right now....almost, only in one small town: Libby, Montana. This gives us an opportunity see how this works, and to ask why we can't have universal healthcare in the rest of the country.