Top CIA, DHS, DOJ, and FBI officials recently gathered to discuss simulations on deepfakes and violence at the polls—and, as one journalist put it, "the results weren't encouraging."
Thomas choosing to participate in cases involving Trump’s claims of being above the law, including his incitement of an insurrection against our nation, is truly beyond the pale.
As amendments aimed at legalizing abortion in cases of rape or incest were voted down, one Republican state senator defended the decision saying, "God does not make mistakes."
Far right Republicans have been screaming about a migrant invasion for years. They finally have the solution they wanted to combat it, but now, they apparently were just kidding.
Now that several of the Republican justices have been so heavily saturated with fat-cat money and thus regularly vote in favor of their morbidly rich “friends,” what do those rich dudes want?
Influential corporations and other special interest groups wanting a say in government policy decisions have beefed up their lobbying game to a staggering level.
Swatting—falsely reporting a serious emergency to provoke aggressive police response—is on the rise, and being used against political figures, public officials and judges.
Andrew Biggs, who seems to think everyone has a cushy, billionaire-funded desk job like his, is the senator’s pick to serve on the Social Security Advisory Board.
Prior to the Reagan Revolution American companies actually invested in their workers, their communities, and their business. They attended to the needs of their customers, by in large...
For quite some time it appeared that Contempt of Congress was an empty charge. But now with the conviction and sentencing of Peter Navarro, and Steve Bannon, real consequences are becoming attached.
Donald Trump is not very unique in trying to screw up foreign and domestic policies as an election ploy. Treason in the pursuance of power in presidential politics by the GOP is a long-standing tradition.
Like our own far-right Republicans, Putin, famously obsessed with history, has been talking about the creation of national history textbooks since 2013.