Have these officials, as some charge now, used their authority to interfere with America’s democratic process? Do local election officials abuse their power? The short answer is that they haven’t so far.
State Financial Officers’ Foundation (SFOF) is a non-profit political advocacy group closely tied to a web of climate science denying political groups, including ALEC and The Heritage Foundation.
To accommodate West Virginia senator Joe Manchin, Democratic leadership agreed to legislation streamlining permits for the often-stalled Mountain Valley Pipeline and removing jurisdiction from a court that keeps ruling against the project.
Neoliberalism advocates markets over governments and one need only recall the international financial disasters of 2008 to see where this kind of hierarchy leads and will lead again if we allow it.
Tina Peters continues to use the Trump playbook. She lost her primary by a wide margin, spent campaign money for a recount that confirmed her loss and now continues to fund raise as a professional victim.
Ronald Reagan is gone, but his attacks on working class people roll on. Now they’re being carried on by Rick Scott, Ron Johnson, and all the rest of the multimillionaire GOP senators.
The right wing think tank Family Research Council's action of becoming a church allows it to hide large donations as well as expenditures to contractors for political activity.
The drug industry—which has repeatedly fought off price regulation attempts in recent decades—has lashed out furiously against Democrats' plan with deceptive and outright false ads in selected states.
Higher prices are not being driven by wage increases. They were not driven by federal assistance to people during the pandemic. And Democrats aren't to blame.
According to a study published last week, big oil has raked in nearly $3 billion in profit per day over the past five decades as it has sown disinformation about its responsibility for the climate crisis.
In recent months, a strand of conservative thought whose adherents are forthright in their disdain for democracy has started to creep into GOP politics. It’s called “neoreaction.”
Big Pharma companies have raised drug prices 1,186 times so far this year, further padding their bottom lines while intensifying the already overwhelming cost burden for patients.
William Barr, Pat Cipollone, Steven Engel and others with law degrees—including Pence—helped to create the dangerous creature that roamed the White House on January 6, 2021.
Since the 2020 election, election officials and workers have faced an onslaught of harassment and threats stemming from false claims it was stolen from former President Donald Trump.
The idea that Secret Service text messages from January 5th and 6th 2020 could be unintentionally deleted by device replacement conflicts with even a child's general knowledge of how Internet communications work.
The new penalties are part of a larger effort by Republicans to criminalize people involved in the election process, using Trump's continually repeated lies of election fraud as a justification.