Politics, Corruption & Criminality

Republicans Focus on Gutting Medicare and Social Security

Republicans Focus on Gutting Medicare and Social Security

Republicans plan to destroy Medicare and Social Security because their fondest wish is to protect the wealth of the rich. Thus they are prepared to ignore the preference of three-quarters of Americans, including their own voters.
The Far-Right’s Love Affair With Cruelty

The Far-Right’s Love Affair With Cruelty

To the far right, cruelty is more than a means to achieving a policy goal—it is often the goal itself. Cruelty for cruelty's sake—directed against "the other," a variable collection of liberals, immigrants, and minority groups.
A Teddy Roosevelt History Lesson for the GOP and Trump

A Teddy Roosevelt History Lesson for the GOP and Trump

Teddy Roosevelt wanted the limelight that went with the presidency again and announced that he would run against the incumbent president of his own party, a longtime close friend and colleague whose nomination he had engineered four years earlier.