Politics, Corruption & Criminality

A Teddy Roosevelt History Lesson for the GOP and Trump

A Teddy Roosevelt History Lesson for the GOP and Trump

Teddy Roosevelt wanted the limelight that went with the presidency again and announced that he would run against the incumbent president of his own party, a longtime close friend and colleague whose nomination he had engineered four years earlier.
How Do You Terminate a Constitution?

How Do You Terminate a Constitution?

Trump’s call for voiding the Constitution raises uncomfortable questions. How would it be done? Call a new Constitutional Convention, which requires two thirds of the states to agree—or attempt another coup d’état, like January 6th?
Who and What Are Carpetbaggers?

Who and What Are Carpetbaggers?

Born of opportunities created in the aftermath of the Civil War, modern day carpetbaggers are simply opportunistic — and voters no longer seem to care anymore about unrooted candidates.