Kari Lake has now been acquainted with the fact that accusations of voter fraud in the media do not matter in court if the only "evidence" is speculations and assumptions.
Teddy Roosevelt wanted the limelight that went with the presidency again and announced that he would run against the incumbent president of his own party, a longtime close friend and colleague whose nomination he had engineered four years earlier.
Newly obtained records show how Leonard Leo, an architect of the right-wing takeover of the courts, has been funding groups pushing to change elections and anti-discrimination laws.
Florida presents a stark example of what a fully Republican controlled government will do: Watch out for the interests of corporations over people, and hand them free money to boot.
Medicare Advantage is actually just private insurance that uses the trusted Medicare name to trick seniors and people with disabilities into enrolling, then profits by denying coverage for necessary medical care.
A review of cases found nine felons or people with fraud convictions who then had access to federal health care money despite being excluded for alleged or confirmed wrongdoing.
Trump’s call for voiding the Constitution raises uncomfortable questions. How would it be done? Call a new Constitutional Convention, which requires two thirds of the states to agree—or attempt another coup d’état, like January 6th?
Sorry, but we have too many other needs in this country to spend $847 billion on the Pentagon budget when the Department of Defense that can’t even pass an audit.
Russia has embedded a faithful network of honorary consuls around the world, where they have praised, defended and supported Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Born of opportunities created in the aftermath of the Civil War, modern day carpetbaggers are simply opportunistic — and voters no longer seem to care anymore about unrooted candidates.
The Republican Party's response to Trump's call to overthrow the Constitution has been exactly nada, zip, zero, bupkis. And this silence loudly says one thing and one thing only: they are in agreement.
Big utilities in California have pushed the Public Utilities Commission to cut the rebate for energy returned to the grid by about 75%, decimating one of the strongest incentives for consumers to go solar.
Medicare Advantage, a fast-growing alternative to original Medicare, is run primarily by major insurance companies—which have been routinely overcharging Medicare by billions of dollars.
The Georgia Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled against the Republican Party attempts to block local election officials from conducting advanced voting the Saturday after Thanksgiving.