Trump's response to the Jan.6 Committee subpoena, " powerfully incriminating evidence that will be introduced against him when he's prosecuted. And those who helped him draft it are co-conspirators."
Clearly the standards of the Republican Party with their self-assigned moniker of "The Law and Order" party are malleable in the face of a Candidate who is tanking himself so close to election day.
Almost every private medicare insurance player has been accused of fraud by a whistleblower or the U.S. government. In addition, the vast majority are engaged in exaggerating patients' illnesses in order to reap more money from taxpayers.
The biggest question about Herschel Walker is how and why is he still in the race for US Senate in Georgia. Trevor Noah offers up an analysis as only he can.
Black voters make up more than a quarter of the Alabama's population, but only one congressional district would be majority Black under the voting map drawn by the Republican-controlled state legislature.
In 1992 Congress passed a law committing the drug industry to pay so-called user fees to help fund the FDA’s drug approval process. Big Pharma has used that law to corrupt the FDA by funding nearly half its annual budget.
Charles Koch and his billionaire buddies in the Koch Network continue their pattern of trying to tear down our government by funding candidates who tried to turn our country into a dictatorship.
Because of key decisions by the Supreme Court equating money with free speech, our political system is now overrun with grifters, con artists and career criminals.
While the New York Attorney General's massive lawsuit against Donald Trump, his children and companies is a civil suit, it marks a beginning and an acceleration of legal actions against him.
Still recovering from the 2017 disaster of Hurricane Maria, which killed 3000 Americans in Puerto Rico, the islands have been blacked again out by much smaller Hurricane Fiona. Two professors explain the issues.
The Sacklers became the public face of the opioid crisis despite not being the only players. They were the first to hypermarket opioids and then led the pack in blaming consumers for becoming addicted.
We need more action on legislation that would ban Congressional stock trading. And fewer members of Congress in violation of the rules already on the books.
A year after COVID-19 had first ripped through the United States, Republican lawmakers in Montana passed the nation’s most extreme anti-vaccination law. Not even nurses in a cancer ward could be required to get the shots.