The Wonderful Company in California is celebrated for "sustainable" practices. But it is also one of the top sprayers of paraquat—a toxic weedkiller—that is banned in 60 other countries.
In the conservative media sphere, Trump is using the trial as a campaign strategy to stoke his base’s fears and quoting pundits and hosts from Fox News, Newsmax and OAN who echo his messages.
Reagan believed that his religious vision would promote freedom and democracy worldwide. But Trump’s religious vision—that hawks Bibles and disparages democracy—isn’t one that Reagan would recognize.
This weekend’s attack appears to be a grave miscalculation by the leadership in Tehran. The US and other countries in the West swiftly rallied to support Israel.
This case will be a monumental drama not only inside the courtroom, but outside the courtroom. Whether the trial can go off the way trials have normally gone off is a real test of our country and our legal system.
The debate about how humans should govern themselves is the real battle of our time, both metaphorically and literally, both internationally and right here at home.
Why do Red state voters tolerate being conned and ripped off by their own elected representatives? Mainstream media have made it clear that they won’t expose the damage Republicans are doing to rural America.
Try to imagine all we could have accomplished in the 1,460 days of Trump's time in office if so many talented, compassionate, gifted, intelligent people hadn't had to spend so much time trying to protect themselves.
There is are definite similarities between Trump and Nixon. But Trump couldn't care less whether anyone considers him a crook or not—he claims he's above the law.
The Florida Supreme Court further degraded women's reproductive rights with their decision. But at the same time they allowed a ballot measure to proceed which is designed to limit government interference with those same rights.
There is no movement advocating political violence on the American left. It is entirely confined to the American right. The media needs to admit that, and the FBI needs to recalibrate their efforts.
Misogyny is at the heart of these attempts to regulate women’s bodies: the right wing is determined to control female sexuality and, at the same time, punish women for it.
The MAGA movement has now shown us who they really are, and we should believe them. Their goal is indeed to overthrow our democracy and replace it with their own fascist dream.
Newly obtained emails add to revelations of how the Office of the US Trade Representative (USTR), works to benefit agrochemical companies while shrugging off evidence from foreign governments of risks to the safety of their environment and their citizens.