The judge in the case noted that this was not the first DeSantis initiative blocked on First Amendment grounds, citing as one example the governor’s bid to punish technology and social media companies.
New Jersey's Dr. Oz, running for the Senate in Pennsylvania is making classic desperation mistakes, unknowingly promoting his opponent's very popular positions in their completely inept attack ads.
Media consolidation and the pouring of billions of dollars by conservative billionaires into a fake news infrastructure—like FOX News—has produced a crisis that threatens our country.
Big Pharma lobbyists spent enormous sums of money to defeat the Inflation Reduction Act which includes restoring Medicare's authority to negotiate drug prices. Thankfully, their opposition did not work this time.
The inventory of items taken by the FBI from Mar-a-Lago apparently shows Trump may have violated the Espionage Act, the Public Records statute and engaged in obstruction of justice in a number of different ways.
Stephen Ubl, CEO of Big Pharma's leading trade group, complained about the modest price-negotiation requirements in the new Inflation Reduction Act, claiming that the legislation represents a "tragic loss for patients."
Have these officials, as some charge now, used their authority to interfere with America’s democratic process? Do local election officials abuse their power? The short answer is that they haven’t so far.
State Financial Officers’ Foundation (SFOF) is a non-profit political advocacy group closely tied to a web of climate science denying political groups, including ALEC and The Heritage Foundation.
To accommodate West Virginia senator Joe Manchin, Democratic leadership agreed to legislation streamlining permits for the often-stalled Mountain Valley Pipeline and removing jurisdiction from a court that keeps ruling against the project.
Neoliberalism advocates markets over governments and one need only recall the international financial disasters of 2008 to see where this kind of hierarchy leads and will lead again if we allow it.
Tina Peters continues to use the Trump playbook. She lost her primary by a wide margin, spent campaign money for a recount that confirmed her loss and now continues to fund raise as a professional victim.
Ronald Reagan is gone, but his attacks on working class people roll on. Now they’re being carried on by Rick Scott, Ron Johnson, and all the rest of the multimillionaire GOP senators.
The right wing think tank Family Research Council's action of becoming a church allows it to hide large donations as well as expenditures to contractors for political activity.
The drug industry—which has repeatedly fought off price regulation attempts in recent decades—has lashed out furiously against Democrats' plan with deceptive and outright false ads in selected states.