Monoclonal antibodies are big money for Regeneron and their shareholders. Anti-vaxxers who are yammering about the dangers of vaccines are helping get people infected and sick. And that sure helps the bottom line for Regeneron. It couldn't be that simple could it?
The grand total of Big Pharma cash going to these four lawmakers: over $2 million. When you consider the billions that Big Pharma will rake in for keeping drug prices high, this is a small potatoes for them. You might even call it a great investment.
The $6 billion federal Food to Families program created to provide fresh produce to families affected by the pandemic was mismanaged and used by the Trump administration for political gain, a new congressional report has found.
The Constitution meant for Congress to pass bills by a simple majority. But the process has changed over the decades, turning the Senate’s filibuster tool into a major obstacle that can only be fixed by reform.
Kyrsten Sinema has raised more campaign money in the last three months than in any quarter since she became a senator. Per Bill Madden, "This is what someone who's bought and paid for looks like."
The Holocaust is an undeniable part of human history. Failing to learn from history is one thing, but then there is denying it has happened. Looking at this squarely one sees the corollary: trying to get history to repeat itself.
Facebook and its big tech ilk bombard us with vitriolic content, and their algorithms help to divide Americans. Local-government leaders need to keep this in mind when they offer up incentives to attract their operations.
Meet the true "welfare queens" who have not been well publicized and who cost us massive sums as tax payers to pay for their subsidies and are a testament to the effectiveness of lobbyist actions on their behalf.
“Millions of Americans depend on the mail every day,” said Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson. "One political appointee does not get to decide the fate of the Postal Service."
The Texas anti-abortion law is just another step in the fight to install fascism in this country. Trump primed the pump and the Texas anti-abortion law emerged from the slime.
Joe Manchin is now infamously quoted as saying he "Does not want to see us becoming an 'Entitlement Society.'" Too late Joe, we're already there and have been for many decades.
Molnupiravir, another pharmaceutical mouthful, sounded like a nice breakthrough and very needed. Good news for a change. But it turns out to exceptionally good news for the executives and shareholders at Merck—from a profit standpoint.
We have lawmakers and office holders who technically do not qualify for their posts: they violated their oaths of office. This is the law of the land, Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.
The Pandora Papers being called the "biggest-ever leak of offshore data," a cache of nearly 12 million documents published Sunday laid bare the hidden wealth, secret dealings, and corruption of hundreds of world leaders, billionaires, public officials, celebrities, and others.