There are many frightening images and videos that were generated during the insurrection of January 6th. The gallows is perhaps one of the most chilling, especially when coupled with the chant of the rioters, "Hang Mike Pence."
To this day, the former president is still claiming that the 2020 election was stolen from him with massive fraud. Not only is it a lie, it is now labeled “The Big Lie.” So massive is this falsehood, that the majority of Republicans have endorsed it and are acting on that endorsement in a variety of ways.
Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh brought the consumer-protection case against Westminster Management, the property-management arm of Kushner Companies, in 2019 following a 2017 article by ProPublica and The New York Times Magazine.
With the congressional leadership of the Republican Party moving into lock-step with the edicts of Trump, are they actually starting to resemble Russia's Duma? The argument could be made that this is the obvious case.
The Facebook Oversight Board's decision to continue Trump's ban is well-reasoned and balanced, taking into account public safety as well as making Facebook responsible for following its own rules.
The overdue recognition by President Biden of the Armenian Genocide of over a century ago serves as a reminder of the fact such atrocities are all too common on our planet.
There are two chief aspects to the current Republican legislative strategy that mirror the actions of Vladimir Putin: suppress dissent and suppress the opposition.
The "America First" slogan, for nearly a century, has been a rallying cry of the KKK. "America First" was also an oft-repeated rallying cry at Trump campaign rallies, directly from him as well as surrogates.
The announcement of targeted sanctions against Russian entities and individuals from the Treasury Department contained specific information showing that Trump's repeated claims of "No Collusion" were utterly false.
Sooner or later we were going to have to do a piece about Q. If you're publishing any information about the care and feeding of facts, sooner or later you're going to have to confront the opposition to facts.
The investigation into Florida Congressman, Matt Gaetz, is generating a blizzard of stories. Here's a few highlights of what's coming to light, generating schadenfreude, general cringing and head-shaking popcorn consumption.
Probably the most best way to deal with the unending stream of rigid right-wing "thought" from Mitch McConnell is humor. And Trevor Noah is here once again to save us.
Republican members of Congress and state legislatures are still stuck in their belief in the "big lie" that the election was stolen from from the other guy.