The restoration of voting rights, on the table now in the Senate, means nothing more than the future of our democratic system, or its demise under a one-party dictatorship.
The study of Fascist Economic History will alert people to the path the current decrepit, corrupt and degraded Republican Party has chosen. This might be one of the reasons Republicans seem to hate history education so much.
According to ProPublica’s analysis of a secret trove of tax data, from 2005 to 2018, Phyllis Taylor took in some $444 million in income, most of it from wages, interest, dividends and capital gains, and didn’t pay a cent in federal income tax.
Donald Trump and other ultrarich Americans have made billions, but they’ve also managed to repeatedly dodge paying any federal income tax by claiming huge losses on their businesses.
The NRA and its supporters simply believe that their ability to own guns is more important than the lives of your children. Your children. Perhaps theirs, but definitely yours.
Dr. Oz, like many TV personalities, is really a pitch man. He's there to sell products for advertisers or those of his guests. But his real business is the Dr. Oz Good Life brand. He sells entire bedding and sleep systems. Yes, pillows too.
Against all odds, election officials delivered a safe and secure election during a public health crisis. But a year later, they are looking for innovative ways to restore public trust in their work.
The best time for PR firms to stop working for fossil fuel clients was 20 years ago, when we had much more time to stop the climate emergency. The second best time is now.
Google kicked Steve Bannon off YouTube because of his violent rhetoric but still sent ad dollars to his website that promotes misinformation about the election and the pandemic.
The capability of the United States Postal Service to ensure timely and reliable delivery of letters, packages and even "junk" mail is absolutely critical to the health of this country.
Images of migrants camped at the Belarus-Poland border, trying to force their way into Poland and being deterred by water hoses, have gained international attention in recent days.
Rep. Paul Gosar's violent video has spurred widespread backlash and many thousands of people have signed a petition urging his expulsion from Congress.
Nothing coming from the Q "channel" actually makes sense. And that is pretty much the point. Qanon isn't so much a movement, but a way of capturing the attention of people who are either entire uneducated or incapable of rudimentary critical thinking.
There is no difference between Nazi, white supremacist, KKK, Proud Boy, Oath Keeper, Three Percenter—except spelling. With "alt-right" Bannon essentially rebranded hate for anything not white or "Christian."
Corporate boards have one job and one job only: make money for their shareholders. Thus raising the prices we pay for their goods and services is where "inflation" actually starts even though it is a lazy way of increasing returns.