Politics, Corruption & Criminality

How the Covid Vaccine Can Protect You From Q Fans

How the Covid Vaccine Can Protect You From Q Fans

Sooner or later we were going to have to do a piece about Q. If you're publishing any information about the care and feeding of facts, sooner or later you're going to have to confront the opposition to facts.
Quick Facts: The Matt Gaetz Roundup

Quick Facts: The Matt Gaetz Roundup

The investigation into Florida Congressman, Matt Gaetz, is generating a blizzard of stories. Here's a few highlights of what's coming to light, generating schadenfreude, general cringing and head-shaking popcorn consumption.
Simply Calling Trump Supporters Racist Misses the Mark

Simply Calling Trump Supporters Racist Misses the Mark

A strong argument could be made for the claim that many of Trump’s supporters are racist, and also probably for the claim that racists are more likely to support Trump than to support any other political leader.
Face Masks and the Constitution

Face Masks and the Constitution

It’s certainly true that the U.S. Constitution doesn’t tell you that you have to wear a face mask. There are lots of things that the U.S. Constitution does not expressly forbid, including grand theft auto and murder.
The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend? Not So Much

The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend? Not So Much

Just because a person might seem to agree with you on one issue does not make them your friend. And the fact that someone disagrees with you on one issue should not make them your enemy.