IRS records reveal how Gov. Jim Justice, Gov. Jared Polis, former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and other wealthy political figures avoid taxes using strategies unavailable to most of their constituents.
IRS records reveal that 18 billionaires and some 250 other ultrawealthy people received CARES Act pandemic stimulus funds intended to help middle-class Americans.
It is no anomaly that the industry would reject a proposal patent restrictions for Covid-19 vaccines—pharmaceutical companies had a big hand in shaping those rules in the first place, to protect pharmaceutical monopolies and their profits.
One of the biggest myths of authoritarianism is that it is "good for business." With this in mind, the Republican Party's persona as the "party of business" begins to look more and more like a facade.
There is no longer any question: These Big Oil companies knew and lied about their product's role in the climate crisis, they continue to deceive, and they must be held accountable.
According to the SEC, Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina, then chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, had material nonpublic information about coronavirus impact. He and his brother-in-law dumped stock before the market dropped in March 2020.
The move to prevent Medicare from negotiating with Big Pharma and giving that job to for-profit companies was a stroke of greed-genius that would have made Gordon Gecko giddy with pride.
Monoclonal antibodies are big money for Regeneron and their shareholders. Anti-vaxxers who are yammering about the dangers of vaccines are helping get people infected and sick. And that sure helps the bottom line for Regeneron. It couldn't be that simple could it?
The grand total of Big Pharma cash going to these four lawmakers: over $2 million. When you consider the billions that Big Pharma will rake in for keeping drug prices high, this is a small potatoes for them. You might even call it a great investment.
The $6 billion federal Food to Families program created to provide fresh produce to families affected by the pandemic was mismanaged and used by the Trump administration for political gain, a new congressional report has found.
The Constitution meant for Congress to pass bills by a simple majority. But the process has changed over the decades, turning the Senate’s filibuster tool into a major obstacle that can only be fixed by reform.
Kyrsten Sinema has raised more campaign money in the last three months than in any quarter since she became a senator. Per Bill Madden, "This is what someone who's bought and paid for looks like."
The Holocaust is an undeniable part of human history. Failing to learn from history is one thing, but then there is denying it has happened. Looking at this squarely one sees the corollary: trying to get history to repeat itself.