Supposed followers of the same Jesus whose family fled to Egypt to avoid genocide, are actually celebrating malicious political stunts and branding our condemnation of them as partisan politics.
Their fear and loathing of history lessons in schools has far-right Nazis either running for local offices on school boards or backing those they see as malleable enough to influence on those boards or other local positions.
You aren’t being ask to bleed or to kill or to die in order to honor your forebears and to steward the nation entrusted to you—you’re just being asked to give a damn and to vote on November 8th.
This is what happens when decent, intelligent people become radicalized: they get polluted by the things they watch on FOX News nd the nonsense they read until one day they are the religious extremists that they always used to warn you about.
Has Rick Scott tanked the GOP's chances in the Midterms? Probably. He's squandering of the majority of their funds, selected ridiculous candidates and published the party's intention to tank Social Security and Medicare.
The Handmaid's Tale is a work of fiction. But fictions can give rise to imaginings that can become the kind of future horror the show describes, if we allow it.
The posturing outrage of the former guy tells us a lot more than the fact that he's pissed about the FBI taking away his secret document stash. It tells us that he has more to hide—a lot more.
We should be sick to our stomachs right now, watching an entire political party dismantling the rights of women and realizing how poisonous this all is to the hearts and minds of our boys who will emulate these assaults.
With Roe gone, if state governments intend to forcibly rescind the human right to an abortion and invite the personal economic disadvantages that will follow, they must pay up.
Modern conservatism extols rugged individualism while fashioning a mob of abject conformists who stick like iron filings to the mutterings of their icons.
The the onstage stabbing of author Salman Rushdie at a venerable cultural venue in upstate New York is a grim reminder of the need for eternal vigilance in defending the First Amendment.
Imagine what would happen if every media outlet said, "Today we carry nothing about the former guy." The actual power to bring about that scenario rests with us, the wielders of wallets, votes and clicks.
MAGA Christians claim they love Trump because he respects the Military, yet when he proceeded to posthumously give a middle finger to war hero John McCain, they responded by defending Trump and trashing the senator.
The economy keeps adding jobs by the hundreds of thousands. But those big numbers don’t tell the whole story. If you need two or three to make ends meet, the big numbers aren't much to write home about.
As legal experts have indicated, Trump is scared. He's been caught and knows it. He was provided with an inventory of what the FBI took in their search at Mar-a-Lago—and apparently it was a lot.