Opinions & Commentary

How the Religious Right Made Cruelty Sacred

How the Religious Right Made Cruelty Sacred

Supposed followers of the same Jesus whose family fled to Egypt to avoid genocide, are actually celebrating malicious political stunts and branding our condemnation of them as partisan politics.
Why the Far Right Hates History Lessons

Why the Far Right Hates History Lessons

Their fear and loathing of history lessons in schools has far-right Nazis either running for local offices on school boards or backing those they see as malleable enough to influence on those boards or other local positions.
November 8th — The One Day to Save America

November 8th — The One Day to Save America

You aren’t being ask to bleed or to kill or to die in order to honor your forebears and to steward the nation entrusted to you—you’re just being asked to give a damn and to vote on November 8th.
The Hypocrisy and Moral Confusion of MAGA Christians

The Hypocrisy and Moral Confusion of MAGA Christians

MAGA Christians claim they love Trump because he respects the Military, yet when he proceeded to posthumously give a middle finger to war hero John McCain, they responded by defending Trump and trashing the senator.