Project 2025 represents a well-funded, highly organized existential threat to our Constitution and way of life. But there is an uncomplicated way of defeating it. Permanently.
The response to the cultivated Conservative lie in Springfield, reminds us that too many folks claiming Jesus right now just aren't anywhere near the same page.
What the hell is going on in our nation’s newsrooms? WHAT can they possibly be covering that is more important than the most serious internal threat to America since the Civil War?
Trump supporters don’t care about reality, only about the narrative they need to be true in their heads to justify their allegiance. There is no bridge too far, no crime or offense too sickening to move them from him.
The stakes in this election could not be higher. The opposition wants to take away your rights, responsibilities and your power as a voter and citizen. Permanently. Standing on the sidelines is not an option.
If our corporate media follow their past efforts to “sanewash” Trump and whitewash previous Republican wars-for-politics, things could get quite grim for the future of American democracy.
William Faulkner won the Nobel Prize for Literature, which Donald J. Trump could totally win, too, and will, as soon as he’s president and we buy Sweden.
A new and better world is possible, if we can only overcome the money of the fossil fuel industry and the corruption of politicians, mainly Republican.
So many women, men, boys, and girls have had their paths irreparably altered by a predator who disregarded their humanity. Imagine what it feels like to know they could soon have such a person as their president.
The fact that we are still in this race, despite candidate changes, gerrymandering, voter suppression, Russian interference, media bias and Electoral College obstacles shows that the tide is turning.
The real problem with guns in America is the guns in America and the insane lack of regulation of their possession. Rightwing states like Florida and now Georgia allow for concealed carry with no permits required.
Giving in to bullies' demands only creates a newer and more elaborate set of demands. Responding to their bullying with anything other than a literal, verbal or metaphorical punch in the face is a waste of time.
Retired four-star Admiral Mike Mullen, the Military's former top officer slams Trump for 'intruding' and 'visiting politics' on Arlington National Cemetery.