Opinions & Commentary

What Will You Do on the Day Democracy Dies?

Our democracy is not guaranteed. The sobering truth is that we are perilously close to losing many of the elemental liberties we assumed could never be taken away. The good news is that we are not quite yet there.

The Fantastical Fraud of the Entire Trump Enterprise

Donald Trump is the Republican nominee for the third time. He plots his promises of revenge, retribution and punishments from a dingy Manhattan courtroom where he sleeps, drools and farts through his criminal trial. 

The Vast Gulf Between Empathy and Republicans

The difference between liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Fascists, is empathy. As you go up the empathy ladder, the lower rungs are thronged with MAGAts and what used to be the Republican party.

Kristi Noem and the Republican Love of Cruelty

When you get down to the nitty gritty of it, the far right wants to elect candidates who prove their ability to ignore suffering and death inflicted on others, no matter the species.