In 2018, more than 100 million people didn’t find a compelling enough reason to leave the house and allot a couple of hours to speak into the future of their children, of their country, of the planet.
When you compare Trump's cons with the $50 trillion that the GOP has swindled out of the American working class and given to the top 1 percent since 1980, Trump looks like a piker.
Slaveholders, the Third Reich and Donald Trump all embraced and executed the principles of Fascism and white supremacy in their relentless, maniacal quest for power and money.
The appearance of the gallows at the January 6th Insurrection had a similar impact on America as the second airliner hitting the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001: the realization that this was a planned attack.
On November 8th, voting against the Republican Party isn’t about one party winning and another party losing. It’s about good people stopping a very bad movement, one that is antithetical to life and country.
A generation of children has been given tainted lessons from people entrusted to show them how to be human—and they have been betrayed—making it nearly impossible for them to discern reality from the lies they are fed.
In terms of poker, a bluff is just for ONE HAND and smart players know how to bluff, but they can get caught and lose that hand as well. But one bluff doesn't win the tournament.
The current Supreme Court line-up is the result of a long-running campaign by groups who are trying to pervert the Constitution for their own ends. And right now they are being successful.
American Freedom Tour, a company that puts on for-profit Trump rallies, including an upcoming Mar-a-Lago gala and multimillion-dollar fees for the former president, is now having trouble paying its bills.
Are you grieving? Are you angry? Are you brokenhearted? Are you pissed off? Are you at the end of your rope? Good. This is cause for celebration. These are signs that your heart is still functioning.
Why are so many people now embracing demagogues? Barbara Walter, political scientist and author of “How Civil Wars Start,” tells us how the vital signs of healthy democracy are in decline around the world.
In 1990, a quirky campaign run by the then-upstart music channel MTV encouraged its viewers to Rock the Vote. Now, three decades later, we need a similarly audacious bid to have Americans trust the validity of the vote.
Supposed followers of the same Jesus whose family fled to Egypt to avoid genocide, are actually celebrating malicious political stunts and branding our condemnation of them as partisan politics.