White Evangelical Christianity as it is currently constructed in America cannot peaceably coexist with the Jesus of the scriptures—which is why it is choosing to remove him.
An odd debit from an account led to finding a company—Albert Genius—that was charging monthly fees for services never agreed to. Read on to make sure you are not also getting ripped off.
To run for President, a candidate must get on the ballot in all 50 states. What do you want to bet that Trump does not get on the ballot for at least half the states in the union?
The violent targeting of the LGBTQ community is not a random aberration they are trying to make sense of, it is more like a GOP campaign promise fulfilled.
DeSantis didn’t really try very hard to disguise his racism when he ran for governor in 2018. He’d appeared at white nationalist conferences alongside the likes of David Horowitz and Steve Bannon.
News Media outlets are, for the most part, about the negative side of what might happen, they have and probably always will feed the fear and angst side of things.
News media outlets, in their glee of covering Trump yet again, seem to be forgetting the massive volume of evidence amassed against him for causing the January 6th Insurrection.
Do voters really still punish carpetbaggers and reward candidates with deep ties to their districts? Fetterman’s campaign and findings from political science research tell us that the answer.
Understanding politics and history and how they are inextricably bound together is vital for our society to survive and avoid another onset of oppression, slaughter and slavery.
Yes, there are some really miserable human beings doing some incredibly cruel things to a whole lot of people—many from Senate seats and mega church pulpits and capitol buildings and television studios. But that is not the whole story.