The real problem with guns in America is the guns in America and the insane lack of regulation of their possession. Rightwing states like Florida and now Georgia allow for concealed carry with no permits required.
Giving in to bullies' demands only creates a newer and more elaborate set of demands. Responding to their bullying with anything other than a literal, verbal or metaphorical punch in the face is a waste of time.
Retired four-star Admiral Mike Mullen, the Military's former top officer slams Trump for 'intruding' and 'visiting politics' on Arlington National Cemetery.
TRUMP: You need to straighten out whatever the hell is happening out on the campaign trail right now, and get back women’s support for me, because there is NO WAY I am losing to one of them, YOU HEAR ME????
Rightwing preachers and their lobbying group have filed suit to block the Johnson Amendment which says that if they push politics instead of religion on Sunday morning their church should lose its tax-exempt status.
Harris and Walz are offering believers the chance to elect, not the hollow, ceremonial religion that perpetuates white patriarchy—but a spirituality that is as expansive and open as we claim God is.
Two-plus months from now Trump will still be an appalling, dirty old man incapable of telling the truth. Harris will still be the ascending public servant who represents the change the majority of America so desperately needs.
The Party of Misogyny (you know them as Republicans) simply cannot process the possibility a woman, a chick, a human with a vajayjay! might become the most powerful person on the planet.
Now we have an opportunity to bring Americans together, to embrace a collective and inclusive “us,” and to repudiate hate and “othering” as a political strategy.
When religious liberty is used as justification for discrimination or when it impedes the daily lives of those who don't share our convictions, we move from merely having freedom, we become a theocracy.
After four days, it was clear as day to any rational person, that Democrats stand up for Democracy. They have taken back "freedom," "patriotism" and the flag back from those who wrapped themselves in those ideals while attacking them.
What we are seeing directed at Gus Walz isn’t a mystery. It is the rotten, putrid fruit of generations of conservative toxic masculinity resulting in men who were never emotionally mature enough to show or receive love.
Trump proved the first time around that laws meant little to him. His recitation of the Presidential Oath of Office was just air passing over his vocal chords. If we are dumb enough as a nation to give him another chance, all bets are off.