Opinions & Commentary

A Review of the Recent Antics of Banana Republicans

A Review of the Recent Antics of Banana Republicans

Things are not going very well for Republicans "investigating" the wrongdoings of those in the administration who successfully opposed Trump. But they are managing to make fools of themselves, repeatedly.
The Double-Edged Sword of Intolerance

The Double-Edged Sword of Intolerance

It is all of us who are being singled out and forced to be smaller, to see the world as an us versus them. We may not be the bullseye—for now—on the target, but we are closer to it than we realize.
Resisting Arrest

Resisting Arrest

Resisting arrest is just an arbitrary, catch-all charge that can be applied to anyone, anywhere when confronted by the police, and should it be abolished as a crime.
Why Does It Look Like the Bad People Are Winning?

Why Does It Look Like the Bad People Are Winning?

In these days it is not enough to be good. You must be both good and loud. You must risk the slings and arrows of both strangers and of siblings, and speak directly into the bloated, contorted face of hatred until it hears you and cannot ignore you.