Things are not going very well for Republicans "investigating" the wrongdoings of those in the administration who successfully opposed Trump. But they are managing to make fools of themselves, repeatedly.
It is all of us who are being singled out and forced to be smaller, to see the world as an us versus them. We may not be the bullseye—for now—on the target, but we are closer to it than we realize.
Tennessee's Republican majority is succeeding at making utter fools of themselves as they try vainly to legislate the LBGTQ+ community out of existence.
The GOP has forfeited the ability to defend itself against stupidity and has become a party in which even its best-educated must feign a level of ignorance that would get you flunked from a ninth-grade civics class.
It is time to expose and confront the fraudulence of phobic Christian bigots who hate and persecute people and then pass the buck to a Jesus who never once condemned anyone for their gender and orientation.
Republicans are trying to wash the blood of over a million dead Americans from Covid off their hands by shifting the blame of their mismanagement and criminal negligence elsewhere—anywhere they can.
Apparently Nazi domestic terrorists need a Day of Hate to remind everyone about what losers they really are. But true to form, not a lot of them actually showed up.
Now, for our own good, we have to question the science presented as the foundation for a product, a policy or a personal health practice, or even food.
Resisting arrest is just an arbitrary, catch-all charge that can be applied to anyone, anywhere when confronted by the police, and should it be abolished as a crime.
Authors Alan Jenkins and Gan Golan have crafted a new graphic novel series offering a stark warning about how close the U.S. came to a fascist coup on Jan. 6, 2021.
Republicans want to protect our children from ever knowing that Barack Obama was president, that gay people exist, that sex is something fun, and that white Americans ever took anyone’s land, enslaved anyone or invaded countries for no reason.
Mankind hasn't been the kindest to the environment or other species on Earth. How we'll be when we fully launch into space could be really dangerous for other worlds.
In these days it is not enough to be good. You must be both good and loud. You must risk the slings and arrows of both strangers and of siblings, and speak directly into the bloated, contorted face of hatred until it hears you and cannot ignore you.