Politics, Corruption & Criminality

Amazon Dodged $5.2 Billion in Taxes in 2021

Amazon Dodged $5.2 Billion in Taxes in 2021

Amazon saved a ton of money on taxes in 2021 using perfectly legal—thanks to Congressionally provided loopholes—maneuvers to bring their tab down from $7.3 billion which would be the statutory rate.
Wait, There’s More — Now Republicans Want an Election Police Force

Wait, There’s More — Now Republicans Want an Election Police Force

Both former gubernatorial candidate David Perdue and Florida Governor DeSantis are proposing an election police force to bolster the Big Lie from Trump that the 2020 election was stolen. Maybe these police should be called the "Election Outcome Enforcement Bureau."
Trump, Voter Fraud and Election Fraud

Trump, Voter Fraud and Election Fraud

Always remember that criminals accuse others of their own crimes. Trump, his family and his cronies are falsely accusing others of fraudulently voting. But meanwhile they've engaged in a wholesale attempt to steal an election with blatant election fraud.