For those of you not familiar with the Jewish New Year, it is just what it is. Jews have been around for five thousand seven hundred eighty-four years and we ain’t going anywhere.
Opinions & Commentary
Labeling people as "others" that are "dangerous" or "not worthy" is a tool used by propagandists to create hate, war and genocide. So why are Republicans, FOX and others doing this on a daily basis?
Through his words and actions, Ron DeSantis has created an environment where bigotry and Nazis feel free to walk proudly in the open.
However gauche, ignorant, and objectionable Rick Scott may be, Dems shouldn’t get too excited about their chances. Floridians have no trouble electing gauche, ignorant and objectionable candidates.
There is more that we need to learn from history than the fact that there are cruel tyrants and wannabes who want most people around them dead: There are plenty of cruelty addicts who will happily serve them.
The unchecked greed of corporations is causing them to become parasites sucking the life out of their host organism, the rest of society.
Next year if we, the voters, choose the people who do not believe in elections, as the mechanism by which political power is granted, then we will have had our last election.
DeSantis' racism has deep roots, from his racist 2018 gubernatorial campaign against (black) Democrat Andrew Gillum to his non-history book “Dreams From Our Founding Fathers," to his dismissal of slavery as a "personal flaw" of the Founders.
Noticeably escaping unscathed from the GOP debate debacle was Joe Biden, who happily embraced his no-malarkey alter-ego Dark Brandon.
The Republican Party's presidential debate for the 2024 election was a complete joke, but none of it was even remotely amusing.
Lauri Carleton is the victim of two vicious hate crimes: of the person pulling the trigger and of those who made doing so for that person so easy.
Donald Trump isn't coming to the debate, though the debate will still be about him. It will give his opponents an opportunity to show their mettle, to show their character, who is and who is not terrified of the coming mean tweets.
Given the brilliant screenplay, acting, and production values of the movie Barbie, it would be naïve not to think it’s had an impact on American consciousness. The question is, how big is that impact?
It is important to understand the desecration and chaos Trump and his mob have wrought with their attack against America. They have normalized conspiracy. They have made the truth and lie equal in a public square.
Elevating masculinity and violence above democracy is just one part of Trump’s and the Republican war against our form of government. But make no mistake, democracy itself is in the crosshairs.
As long as we’re all fighting with each other about history or gender, billionaires and their corporations are free to continue pillaging America while ripping off working people and their families.